Chapter 1

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I wake up and all I see is a dark room. That is until I start to see a silhouette of a man. His silhouette. I start to back up in fear as he stalks closer to me. I feel my back hit a wall, I'm trapped. He kneels down and I feel his breath on my face as he whispers in my ear. "Found you..." I can hear the smirk in his tone as I start to tremble. "Did you really think you could get away so easily?" He laughed, amused by the fact that I could do nothing about this. I feel as his hand starts to caress my neck. I jolt up with a sceam, covered in a cold sweat. I look around and see that I'm still in my bedroom. It was just a dream. I sigh as I fall back on the bed. Is this nightmare ever going to end? I'm guessing not. With great annoyance I get out of bed and head downstairs to feed the dog. I give the dog his food and I see a note on the table, "Hi honey, I need to go on another business trip. I won't be home for a while so I left some money in your bank account. Love you -mom." Of course she has another business trip. I can't even remember the last time she was home. I just grab an apple and head back to my room to change. After I changed it was time to head to school, yay. I grab my bag, put on my shoes, and start my long walk to school. This would be so much easier if I could use my skateboard, but they're banned at our school. Once I got there I was instantly ambushed by one of my best friends, Scarlett. She's a wack job. "Sky!" She screeches as she jumps on my back. "Hi Scarlett..." I responded with a sigh. "I missed you" she whines as she flops on my shoulder. "You just saw me yesterday." I couldn't help but roll my eyes. She was so dramatic. "I know but still!" Could she be any louder? "What do you have first?" I asked as we started to walk to our lockers. "Ugh! I have math..." She groaned. Math has never been her strong suit but she's getting better at it. "Well good luck then." She grabbed her things from her locker as the first bell rang. "See you in Science!" She shouted as she ran down the hallway, bumping into people as she passed. She will never change will she. "Of course she won't" I jumped as I heard the voice. I turned around to see my other close friends, Matt and Jessie. "So, are you ready for the Civics test today?" Jess asked as we made our way to our first period of the day. "I think I'll be fine," Matt said with a shrug. As usual when we got there the teacher was asking all the students a question as they walked in. "What year was The Revolutionary War?" She asked. "1775 to 1783" We all said in unison as we walked into class. — It was now time for lunch as we all filed out of class.The halls were crowded with floods of people, pushing and shoving. All to get a single piece of meat that tasted like slightly damp cardboard. As we were walking down the halls I got shoved into a locker. I looked up to see the one and only, Trevor Jones. The school's star quarterback. "Hey watch where you're going fag!" He yelled as his teammates laughed along with him. You were the one that shoved me. He continued to laugh as Jess helped me up. "Hey who the hell do you think you are asshole?!" She yelled as he turned to look at her. "I'm sorry, are you talking to me?" He asked with an almost shocked gaze. "Who else would I be talking to?" If looks could kill, Trevor would be 6 feet under. "Tch, whatever." He told her as he walked away to the cafeteria. Once we had all got our food and sat down, all hell broke loose. They all, mainly Scarlett, started to scream. "You dumpster whore!" She screeched as Matt rolled his eyes. "Can you shut the hell up!" He said unamused by her antics. I sigh. This group is such a headache. They all continued to scream and yowl. As I sit here all I could think about was the dream I had last night. Why did I have that dream? I thought I was over all of this. I'll forget about it at some point. Right? I came back to reality to have Jess waving her hand in my face. "Dude you good? You've been spacing all day." She questioned with a look of concern etched into her feachers. "Yeah... I've just had a lot on my mind I guess." I reassured her, mumbling almost inaudibly. "Well as long as you're ok." She stated as they went back to talking. "Are you guys still up for a movie night?" Matt asked as the others replied with an instant "YES!" I completely forgot about our monthly movie night. "Sure." I grumbled, not really in the mood to deal with these three for the rest of the day. As I look over to the other end of our table I see Zack. We used to be best friends until one day he just stopped talking to me. I never learned why and I don't think I'll ever know. It makes me sad to think that we used to be so close, only for him to start acting like I don't exist. I guess over time everyone will leave. — It was now the end of the day as we all started the walk to my house. "Bet I can make it to the house before all of you!" Scarlett yelled as she started to run down the street. "Oh it's on!" Screamed Jess as she ran after her. Matt and I watch them as they run into the street. "They're going to get hit by a car aren't they?" I sighed. "Hopefully" Just as he said that a car sped by and almost ran over the two of them. I shook my head as Matt laughed. One of these days they're going to get themselves killed. When I look at the two again, Scarlett is making Jess give her a piggyback ride. Jess reluctantly lets her stay on her back as Scarlett screeches, "Onward my loyal steed! Run like the wind!"into her ear. "Matt!" Jess screamed over to us. "Get her off me!" She kept trying to shake Scarlett off but to no avail. Scarlett held on to Jess tight, adamant on making her suffer. After an excruciatingly long walk we finally got to my house. I opened the door and they immediately barged in. Jessica flopped onto the couch, Matt went over to look at the movie options, and Scarlett instantly went to go raid my kitchen. These three are a disaster. I went over to join Matt in picking a movie. "What about Joe Bell?" He asked as he looked through the movies I had. "Sure, what do you think Jess?" I turned to her to see her dead asleep on the couch. I sigh and get up to give her a blanket. "Scar!" I yell as Scarlett comes back into the living room. "WHAT?!" She yelled back annoyed. "Are you ok with watching Joe Bell?" I asked her as I draped a blanket over Jessica. "I literally don't care as long as it's not some sappy romcom." Jess groaned, rolled over and went back to sleep. Scarlett just lays on the floor stuffing her face with chips and candy as Matt and I start the movie. It was now 11:00 at night as the end credits of the last movie played. I looked around to see that the three of them were asleep. I got up and stretched, hearing a loud crack come from my back and arms. I went over to the closet and pulled out more blankets and pillows for them. It was nice to have quiet for once now that they all were asleep. With one final check to make sure they had everything they needed, I headed upstairs to my room. It was dark. I look around to see I'm back in that room. That cell. I hear a loud crash and he comes into view. "Hi darling, how are you?" He purrs as he stalks over to me slowly. "Is that a serious question?" I sass with an eye roll as I look at the floor. "Is that any way to talk to me?" He cooed as he kneels down no less than two inches from me. "Go to hell!" I spat as he inched closer and closer to my face. I knew this was a stupid idea being that this would only make the outcome worse. Pissing him off would only make him hurt me more. "Oh please," he chuckled, "you know that you can't run from me. So why not let me do what I want." He was now so close to me that I could almost feel his lips brush mine. His breath was so sickening. This was wrong on so many levels. Does he not realize that? Or is he choosing to ignore it? "Now make sure you keep quiet..." he uttered as he closed the short distance between us. I wanted to scream, to cry. But I couldn't. If only I hadn't gone with him. If only I wasn't so naive...I startle awake to someone shaking me. As my eyes begin to focus I realize that it's Jess. "Omg dude are you ok? You were flailing and crying in your sleep." She continued to shake me as I noticed the tears that were cascading down my face like waterfalls. "Yeah, I'm fine..." I mumbled so quietly that they barely heard me. "J-just a b-bad dream" I stuttered, struggling to convince myself it was true. By the look on their faces I could tell they didn't believe me, but they decided not to push and left it be. "If you say so." Scarlett said as she started to head to the kitchen. It had now been an hour since I woke up and it was now time to head to school again. I decided to take the bus today while the others chose to walk. So I walked with them until we got to the bus stop and we went our separate ways. I waited there for about 5 minutes until the bus pulled up. Great, my other hell on earth. I thought as I slowly made my way onto the bus. The only good part of being here was seeing one of my other friends, Emilia. She and I were pretty close but were part of two different friend groups. Sometimes we would all hang out together but it was rare. When I sat down we started talking about homework and the horrible people on this bus. It didn't take long to start hearing the homophobic comments. Of course. They can't go more than a minute without being rude. Luckily the school wasn't far by bus. I can't believe it's my junior year already. With that final thought the bus pulled into the school parking lot. Now for another day of pure torture. It was now the first period after homeroom and I had gym. I sighed with annoyance as I made my way to the locker rooms. I always dreaded this part of the school. It was dirty and rusted. The lockers were falling apart, the showers no longer worked. But the worst part was, there was nowhere for me to hide. I needed to be in the room with people that threatened my life on a daily bassist, with nowhere to run. I'm screwed. When I got in there most of the others had already changed into their gym clothes. However there were a few still changing. As I quickly head over to my locker I notice that some of them were glaring at me. "Oh look it's the fag! What? Are you going to stand there and watch us?" One of them said as the others began to laugh. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." Trevor stated as he started to cackle with the others. I looked down in shame. Why couldn't they just leave me alone? What did I do to them? I changed as fast as I could as the others left. However one of them stayed behind. Trevor. I backed up, terrified as he walked closer to me. He kept advancing until he had me against a wall. I felt like I was going to have a panic attack. All the memories of my nightmares coming back to me. He slowly inched closer to my face until I could feel his lips brush my ear. "Listen fag. Let's get one thing clear. You are disgusting. Nothing but a freak of nature. So why don't you just kill yourself? Do us all a favor." He spat with so much hate and disgust. With that he shoved me to the ground and walked out of the room. I sat there, unable to move. I was so shocked that I couldn't think straight. My heart felt like it would explode from the sheer panic. I clutched my chest as I slowly got up. Why was my life such a mess? Why was I born to begin with?


Author's note: Hi! It's Killing Stalking here! I know I haven't been the most active on here and that's because I've been working on my own few books that I will publish on here. I've been working on making original books rather than fanfics. If you guys like it or have any feedback whether it's good or bad please put it in the comments or message me. It would help a lot. I want to be a real writer when I'm older so I'm starting some now. If you guys like it I may publish a physical copy of the stories! So criticism is greatly appreciated! Hope y'all are doing well and are healthy and happy! Have a good day/night!

With love, -Killing_Stalking07

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2022 ⏰

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