Part 14

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"Are we almost there"? Y/n questioned. "Just this way". Ashtray responded tugging he by her hand seeing as their fingers were already intertwined. He pulled her down a small dirt path of the course of the trail they were following through the small forest.

"Are you gonna murder me or something"? She questioned once again. He just chuckled at the implausible question. He pulled her around a corner and they had suddenly come upon a beautiful field. The field was green still surprisingly. Seeing as it was almost September. The field was decorated with splotches of multiple colors. This being because of the wild flowers.

Y/n stood there in awe . Taking in the beautiful scenery before speaking. "It's beautiful ashtray how did you find this place". She said wandering towards the clearing up ahead. "I found it a few years ago I come here when I need to think". He responded so calmly.

Once they had reached the clearing she saw the little picnic he had set up. There was a baby blue plaid blanket laid out on the compressed grass. On top of it sat a woven wicker basket. I turned around and engulfed ashtray in my embrace. Slightly tucking my head into his neck. "Thank you ash no one has ever done anything like this for me before". I said trying to compress the growing emotions. I felt tears of joy begin to cloud my eyes.

He quickly pulled back revealing my face. He looked so concerned seeing as a tear began to trickle down my cheek. "What what's wrong did I say something". His words rushed and voice overflowing with concerns. "No no you did everything right, perfect in fact I've never had some one do something like this before. I'm used to most of the men in my life treating me like I'm invisible. And I only get my moms attention when I win a competition." I said sniffling and wiping the tears form my face.

"Oh thank god I thought I did something wrong look I got your favorite". He said sitting down on the blanket and pulling a bag of bbq chips from the basket. My eyes immediately lighting up with joy. A small smile playing at his lips due to my reaction. I plopped my self down next to him happily taking the chips from him.

We engaged in pointless conversation. But when I was talking to him. I didn't matter what we're talking about. I always seemed to be the most investing conversation. He intrigued me so deeply words could not describe. I had got to know him a lot better in the simple conversations. How he thinks. In that beautiful head of his.

Jezze snap out of it!

Sorry sometimes I just get so caught up in my thoughts I let it lead me to the depths of my mind. Sometimes I do my best thinking there. Make important decisions. Other times I come up with the most irrational scenarios.

He was just so .... Obsessive

We're now laying on our backs starting into the sky as the sun begins to set in on the horizon. " isn't so crazy how our earth just continues no matter what". "Huh"? I questioned. "I mean no matter what is going on down here on earth with my life or any of the 7 billion others. Everything continues it's a never ending cycle." He replied , and truly I made sense the point he was trying to get across.

"I mean yeah I guess but everything comes to an end at some point". I said responding to his questions. " I don't ever want this moment to end, lying here watching the sunset over a beautiful field but not nearly comparable to the beauty of the girl I'm lying next to".

I felt my cheeks flush extremely red. A smile playing at my lips. He glanced over to me. And Instead of the smirk I was expecting to be plastered all over his face. Was a look of adoration. Like he truly adored me in that moment like he forever would. Like I forever would .

"But unfortunately we have a party to attend". He said sitting up. I pulled myself up from the ground as he gathered the blanket and basket. But I was determined. Before I left this field in this breath taking moment. I was going to kiss this boy like there is no tomorrow. He looked at me and furrowed his eyebrows. In question of the stern look I had on my face.

I pulled him forward. He lowered his head just slightly so that I could reach as he was taller then me. I sealed that space between us with a kiss. He was sweet gentle with every movement. Our lips moving in unison.

It felt in that moment as if there was nothing left on this earth other than me and him. Me and the boy I had met completely by chance. The boy who I was slowly falling for. Me and him. Just me and him...,


Heyyyy thank you all for almost 500 reads! It is unexplainable how great full I am for all of you I can't wait for the love confession may be coming soon....

Love you all

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