You Know What I Hate?

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TW!!! Sexual Harassment, Racism, Homophobia
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You know what I hate about this world?

I hate that it puts you down on the ground and expects you to get up when you can't stand.

I hate the people who find it funny to disturb the peace that was sought by those who finally managed to achieve it.

I hate that people can't just get along and work things out without putting down others or causing distress to whole other nations.

I hate that society has such high expectations of it's youth, but doesn't teach them how to realistically achieve those goals or be themselves and create their own goals.

I hate that when others barely say something mean, I overthink it and nearly have a panic attack over being scolded or yelled at.

I hate that we as a society have failed future generations and will likely go extinct due to the stupid decisions of our governments and people with large amounts of money.

I hate that people have to starve when millions of food is thrown away that could be used to stop children and mothers and grandparents from dying.

I hate that politics divide our nations and spread people apart when we should be acting as a unified group.

I hate that people aren't taking global warming seriously and are continuing to add to it.

I hate that women fear going out for a walk due to men putting their hands where they don't belong and not taking no for an answer.

I hate that people judge others based on their skin and sexualities and pronouns when people are happy being themselves and feel like they are the best version of themself they can be.

I hate that video games and anime feel more like a home than my actual one does, and I hate the way I have to hide that.

I hate the way humans treat others and the way that nothing is done to stop it.

But what I hate most of all?

I hate that I'm powerless to do anything but stand by and try to help those who cross paths with me.

I hate that I have to stand by and watch as millions of people suffer to other's actions, knowing I can't help them because I am only one person.

I hate that I can't save the world from disaster or keep prolonging my self-care to help others who need it.

The world didn't have to be this way, but it is and now the future generations (if there are any) will have to suffer more than we already do to fix what we have done. We had the chance to do better, but we all said "It's not that bad, let's wait a little longer to help."

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