
Start from the beginning

His thoughts were cut off by a hand on his shoulder. One of his friends.

She smiled at him, a sad one, but a smile as she whispered a little to loudly, "don't bother with her. You know she dosen't like talking about herself. She like... she's kind of just there, you know? Why try with someone who you know is never going to open up. She probably has a really screwed up past or something that makes her not wanna talk. Don't waste your time Yuki."

And she finishes, sits back in her seat and leans over to her friends desk, whispering to her as well.

Her friend cranes her neck to look over at Kurawa who was hunched over, writing on her paper.

Her friend giggled, and she nudged one of the boys near her, repeating something like what the first girl said.

Yuki buried his face into is hands, sure that Kurawa had heard it all. It wasn't like she was completely deaf though.

she had heard every word of it.

and she wasn't reacting in any damn way.

at this point, the teacher had turned around to face the students at all the whispering and giggling going on, and he stared any the class for a few seconds before tiredly asking, "what is it this time." and he crossed his arms, and leaned back on his desk staring.

The first girl who had originally started it raised her hand high, though it didn't do much because she started talking anyway.

"well, I just remembered that on the first day, Kurawa didn't share anything about herself. I'm a bit worried for my friend mr."

though the teacher couldn't see it, the girl bit her lip to keep herself from laughing and secretly whispered to the person behind her.

Then she faced forward again to the teacher and calls out, "should we have her introduce herself again?" and the class's giggles started to increase slowly.

Kurawa was still continuing to write notes from the look of it, but really she was desperately trying to look like she didn't care.

"Kurawa! Tell us about yourself." One boy asked in the back of the room, Yuki ran over to try and stop the boy before he could speak, but he was a few seconds late and the class was looking expectantly at the h/c girl for her answer.

The teacher pinched his nose, already having a bad feeling about it. But on the other hand, if his student would just say a little something about themselves, the rest of the class would maybe quiet down.

Deciding between what to do, the kids all snickered, one girl, who was super close to Yuki, walked up to Kurawa and smugly asked, "how are your parents?" Then she paused, and smirked. "Mummy and Daddy doing well 6 feet under the ground?"

The h/c girl stopped breathing for a second.

Her face completely dropped.

Her expression was as if she had seen a ghost.

Everything else had become distorted with sounds, and she suddenly couldn't stand acting as if it hadn't bothered her. But she tried to recollect her thoughts, only to break down again.

no one else knew.

so how could-

she stopped in realization, and her head slowly turned over to the purple haired boy who's face had dropped as well, however he tired to meet her gaze and mouth something but he could see the hurt written all over the other girls face.

He'd only seen the girl express hurt twice in his whole life.

Now, and a before.

"kurawa-san? i was wondering why you never introduced yourself today." The purple haired boy said, as he caught up to the one classmate he hadn't spoke to yet.

the h/c girl turned around, and immediately the boy fell in love. it was a quick feeling though, so at the time he didn't know he liked her.

but at this moment, kurawa's face turned into one of annoyance and fury.

"why do you want to know." it was a question, but just came out as a statement. the boy winced at her harsh tone, but still racked his brain for something to say.

the boy had immediately become popular with the class. for some reason.

he was a smart kid though, and even though he wanted to respect her privacy, he didn't want to let the girl keep her problems to herself, so being the person he was, he said solemnly,

"i'm here if you ever wanna talk you know." and he gave the surprised girl a smile of his.

at first, he wasn't sure if kurawa was even going to accept his offer, but the slight collapsing of her lips showed him that she was gonna tell him something.

"I don't really trust that much people. so you can't tell. got it?" She said, and she fidgeted with her hands as the purple hair boy nodded quickly, and gave her reassurance that he wasn't going to say anything.

she looked at the boy who had a super genuine look on, one she could trust. one she hadn't seen in a long time.

"I just don't- don't what anyone to know."

she paused before cupping her hands and whispering into his ear,

"my parents were killed by villains."

And here the two were, standing opposite of eachother, one with a look of horror, the other with a face of betrayal.

"...you- you promised." Kurawa said, pointing at the boy. At this point, the class was staring at the two of them.

The purple haired boy opened his mouth to speak, but his lips were covered by his friend.

the girl laid her head on the boy and replied, "no one's keeping that secret you know. he told me on the first day." and she happily bounced back to her seat.

Yuki was desperately trying to ignore the light punches of respect on his shoulder, and he tried to meet Kurawa's eye. He wanted to call out, and tell her. But how could he when she was looking at him in disgust.

The h/c girl packed up her things and walked out the door.

The teacher didn't question it, and told the class to settle down. Then proceeded to give them a talk. The most popular boy in the class couldn't even listen however, and could only think about her.

He whipped his head around to meet one of his friends gaze, and he angrily whispered, "why would you ask that question Marono." And the girl raised an eyebrow.

"C'mon Kiki, don't overreact. I was simply curious." And she giggles, her friends giving her high-fives.

The purple haired boy leaned closer to the girl until he was by her ear, and he whispered, "the thing is, I never told you about her parents."

Meanwhile, in the UA meeting room, a mouse rat had pulled out a tablet and passed it around for the other teachers and staff to look at.

"Apparently, she's working with the league. She's a spy, a traitor. And rumor has it, class 1-a knows someone who goes to the traitors school."

The tired looking man's eyes snapped up, and the rest of the staff stared at him.


Thanks for reading! Super long chapter, but I had the fit it all!
Check out my other stories, Luvu all🫶

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