2:into another realm

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within the night sky of another dimension, the portal opens up letting free the prisoner it had forced in.

dan screams as he falls down and looking below just fueled his panic even more but luckily he would not be sufficed to falling to his instant death and was instead saved by his bakugan best friend catching him in the palm of his large hand.

at first, the brunette didn't notice and he still yelled bloody murder even when drago caught him but when he felt himself not falling anymore, he opened one eye and met eyes with the dragon. his shrill cries fading away.

"o-oh drago, thank goodness you saved me!" he sighed relieved and hugged one of his fingers. drago chuckled in response and landed him to safety which was in the middle of a dark forest. tall black trees loomed over head and towered around the duo with nearly all the leaves off its branches and the few that remained were close to withering away. the grass on the floor just as dead as the trees.

the portal had already closed leaving the two to be trapped in wherever they had been sent. it was a strange world to say the least, maybe even intimidating.

drago set his hand down so the boy could hop off. kouzo turned staring up at all the trees and the starry night above them. "uh drago, where are we?"

"i don't know." was the pyrus bakugan's response. "but whatever it is, it's strange.. i'm sensing some kind of abnormal energy.."

the red streaked then shivered as he hugged himself, a breeze flowing past his brown hair. "and all i'm sensing is the air. it's so cold here.." "and so weird too! why was i pushed through that weird portal thingy anyway? that's never happened before.."

"i was just thinking the same thing dan." dragonoid replied "i think that bakugan we fought back in the city has something to do with it. he shrieked and that portal appeared forcing you in.. and i also found it strange how he barely battled us and was defeated almost instantly.. almost as if he was only sent out to bait us in here."

"what?" the red wearing boy gasped. "so are you saying that battle was just a trap? who would do something like that?!"

"someone like us, maybe." a voice close by chuckled. dan and drago turned around to see two boys standing by a tree, crossing their arms with equal smirks on their face.

one boy was pale tall and muscular, green hair parted in the middle and was wearing a green yellow striped track suit while the other boy was shorter with dark skin, brown hair and wore a purple cloak with a lighter striped shirt underneath.

dan growled and backed away a few, not feeling safe just from their presence but he hid his fear well. "who are you guys?"

"well, i'm kurin and this is aay." the shorter boy said before he wrapped his cloak around himself and he disappeared leaving a trail of smoke along with his friend. dan gasped when he saw them vanish but instantly they were right by his side which shocked the teen just as much.

"h-how'd you do that?" the brunette asked.

"ah kid, all of us can teleport around here." the one named aay chuckled before grabbing dan by his shoulders and squeezing them harshly. the other strange boy named kurin grabbed his wrists and inspected him.

"hey! what are you doing? get off me!" but kouzo's demands fell under deaf ears as the two continued to check him out and dan's attempts to escape only proved futile as the two boys were crazy strong despite only looking around his age.

"i have to say aay, your plan really did work. we caught ourselves an interesting one." kurin chuckled, going around the boys face with one hand to squeeze dans cheeks.

"yeah i really like all the red he's wearing.." aay giggled as he twirled a strand of dan's hair. "it reminds me of all his delicious human blood."

and with that it instantly clicked in dans head at what these people really were! "delicious human..you guys are vampires?!" he gasped.

the two boys only giggled before showing off their fangs and going for their prey's neck. "ah!" they would have had all of dans blood by then if it wasn't for drago quickly aiming a firey blast near the two vampires. the duo shrieked in surprise and let go of the boy which prompted him to quickly run in the other direction.

"drago c'mon HURRY!"

drago flew behind him, "right behind you dan!" but he wouldn't be for long.

"hey! keep your stupid pet dragon in check!" aay growled. "mantanoid, where are you?! stop that dragonoid!"

the ventus bakugan came out from within the trees and stopped drago from joining up with dan by attacking him. the pyrus groaned and tried to defend himself but mantanoid was quick to stop him with another attack.

aay turned to kurin. "i'll take care of this, you go after the human!"

the dark haired groaned "ugh, fine! but only if i get like.. sixty percent of his blood."

"fifty eight percent. now go, or there will be zero percent blood for the two of us!"

if there's one thing kurin hates, it's being bossed around, but it really had been long since he tasted human blood on his lips. too long. and at this rate he'd do anything for it so he listened in and went after their new found prey.

but not by running. he was a vampire! so he instead, teleported all over the woods until he found him.

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