shity prolong

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Nimh was hiding behind a dumpster in an alleyway trying to catch his breath, which was hard do to the smell.

"Where are you bunny boy!!"
There this gang of boys that been bullying Nimh since Middle School. Name calling, throwing shit, and being shoved into a locker one time, they had made Nimh life a living hell.
Nimh place his head over his mouth to try to make as little noise as possible.
"He might had gone this way" Nimh stated quite, making sure that they are gone. Once he was sure they were gone he slowly left the alleyway, being extremely careful, before running back to school before lunch ends.


'Okay, now all I have to do is get to my locker and get out' Nimh thought to himself as he held onto his bag with all his strength.
When the bell rings, Nimh was the first to stand up, running out the classroom. Nimh quickly find his locker but not fast enough "what's up bunny boy" Nimh was pushed from behind having his face being slammed into the locker "please, just let me go home" Nimh softy said "oh, is bunny boy begging now"

"Oi! He said leave him alone"

The leader of the boy's turn to face the voice "eh, what the hell do you want, Vilks" Vilks glared at the leader "for you to leave him alone. I thought I made that clear" the leader grabbed Vilks by his shirt, getting ready to punch him "now, we both know that isn't a good idea" Vilks snarkly respond. The leader looked around and let go of Vilks "watch it pretty boy, that attitude won't save you next time" and with that the leader left.

Nimh was shocked but quickly snapped out of it as Vilks started walking away, Nimh quickly got his stuff out of his locker and ran after him. "HEY WAIT!"
Vilks groans as he turn around "what do you want"
"Will you be my boyfriend" Nimh blurted out without thinking "I-I mean be my fake boyfriend"
Vilks just looks at the orange hair boy "errr why?"
Nimh took a deep breath "so that they leave me alone. Please I'll pay you"

"Mmm how much"

"20 bucks"

"Per day?"

"Per hour"
Vilks almost chokes on his own spit "wait seriously!?" Nimh was about to beg on his knees "please just be my fake boyfriend for at least 5 weeks please" Vilks looked at Nimh thinking.
"You know what, sure, I'll be your fake boyfriend BUT let's set some rules first, okay?"

"Oh yeah yeah rules some rules what are the rules" Nimh became a rambling excited mess

"Rule number 1, we will be 'boyfriends' only on school weeks, unless people from our school see us during the weekend
Rule number 2, the only affection we will show in public will be hand holding and at least one or two pet name
Rule number 3, if anyone asks about us, just say we were dating for 3 weeks now and that we were taking it slow and didn't want to make it public yet"

"Only 3 rules" Nimh asked, a bit surprised " can I add one more"

"Yeah sure"

"We have to go on dates so that we seem real" Vilks was taken a back by this "why do we HAVE to go on dates?" Nimh stated blashing "w-well since we're going to tell p-people that we were dating for weeks and just started m-making it public, might as well go on dinner dates r-right?"

Vilks smiled at the shorter boy "alright, it a deal then"

606 words

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