"They are gone," Edward confirmed. "But you still have me — I'm not ever going anywhere."

Josie felt the tears topple down her cheeks as she threw herself into Edward's waiting arms. Behind her, Freddie was silent in his grief, falling into a state of shock.

But, on that night, two children became the responsibility of a barely eighteen-year-old, who was now also Lord Sinclair. While Edward was heavy like an anchor with his grief and responsibility, he had made his vow — the twins were his life now and he would see to it that they would be looked after.

And that was the first promise made that would be broken.

1811 — LONDON.

For ten years, the three had survived, having been pitied by many neighbours. Edward had been admired for his quick take to being a lord and carer, though he never let anyone see him struggle — not until Clara came into the picture.

Josie had watched their love blossom, where Edward had been determined to find the perfect match but had found the love of his life instead. The marriage had come quickly, followed by their children, where one now crawled on the wooden floors and screamed during the nights; the other had found his legs, running around the large house and constantly nagging at the twins to play.

Edward had used his marriage as a chance to prod Josie into joining the next social season, believing every year that it was time that she found a husband. At the mere thought, Josie had curled her nose in disgust, knowing that marriage was far from her mind.

All Josie wanted to do was travel. Once, before his death, Josie's father had shown her an atlas of the world. Fascinated, Josie had watched it spin as her father recalled the countries, fingers pointing to each one, confessing that his favourite place happened to be Venice in Italy.

"Can I go, Papa?" Josie had asked.

Henry Sinclair had laughed. "Darling girl, the world is not fit for a lady to travel. Perhaps, if you are lucky, one of your brothers could show you."

Since then, Josie had studied the globe, having mesmerised every country before she retreated to books — only it was not enough, Josie simply had to see it all with her own eyes.

"Please listen, Edward," said Josie now, trying to persuade the head of the house for the hundredth time. "All I have ever wanted is to see the world and Freddie is more than happy to come with me."

"It is true, Edward," Freddie added. "I will take great care of our sister."

Edward laughed at that. "The two of you alone in a foreign country? I hate to think what chaos you would cause."

"We will be on our best behaviour—"

"Do not promise that," Edward cut Freddie off. "That is a promise the two of you could never keep."

The two twins shared a look, matching irises glistening with mischief. Though, perhaps their past was not helping their case now, especially with Edward set on finding Josie a worthy husband.

"If you go now, then you will miss the season," Edward pointed out.

"I do not want a husband," said Josie, watching Edward's stern gaze fall on her, where she quickly added: "Yet, at least."

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