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The rest of the week went by uneventful and Yeni  settled comfortably into the rhythm and the hustle and bustle of her new work place. True to his words, the workload was indeed much but Michael was easy and fun to work with. She always looked forward to lunch time which consisted of endless chatter with him and Judith every day, either in her office or Michael's.

They were in Michael's office on the last day of her first week at work, when Judith invited Yeni for a night out.

"It's going to be me, some of the other guys and of course, Michael. A club downtown, just to unwind. So what do you say?"

"You have to come Yeni, it's going to be so much fun. Plus, it's your first week here, it's only tradition for you to show up," Michael added.

"I've been looking forward to a warm bath and my bed all day, guys. What if I don't like it?"

"Then you can decide not to join us again, we won't pressure you, I promise," Judith replied, crossing her fingers.

"Alright then, I guess I can give it a try. Do I have to change?"

Unlike the others dressed in their regular work clothes, she had decided to wear an off-shoulder Ankara print gown since it was Friday, and much shorter heels than she usually wore. She didn't know if it qualified as club worthy.

"If you can dance in it, it's perfect," Michael said.

"Dance?!" She was aghast. She really hated dancing.

"We're going to a club, honey, of course you're going to dance."

"But... But I can't dance," she looked to Judith for help.

"You'd do just fine, don't worry," Judith assured her.

"Guysss," she groaned into her hands. "Is it too late to back out?"

"Yes actually. I'd meet you guys back here when I'm done," Judith announced, rising from her seat. Lunch break had been over five minutes ago.

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Omoyeni and Michael ended up finishing earlier than Judith, so they went to her instead, waiting for her to finish up. Her office was almost empty, her colleagues' seat vacant.

"Where are the rest?" Yeni queried. "I thought we were all going together."

"They left already. Sorry for the delay, I'm done now." Judith shut the laptop she had been furiously typing away on.

"No patience, those ones," Michael tutted.

"I know I should have asked this since, but where exactly are we going? And how are we getting there?"

"The Square, about ten minutes away. Judith is driving."

"You drive?" She asked, facing Judith.

"Yeah. Why do you sound so surprised?" Her brows raised in amusement. "Shall we?" Her bag slung over her back, she walked out of the the office.

"I don't know, I just didn't know you could drive. I just assumed..." She smiled sheepishly, trailing after her.

"I understand where you are coming from. This is Lagos, everyone just calls Uber instead. Like Mike here, even though he has his own car." She nodded at Michael, who was focused intently on his phone.

"I live close-by, I can't be bothered to drive. And it's easier too," he waved them off, distracted.

The conversation continued that way till they got to the car, with Michael giving half assed replies, which was unusual. Yeni was about to point it out when Judith spoke instead.

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