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Pablo Stine: Hey Guys
Lou: Wow who is King of The Red Pandas
Pablo Stine: I need to go to school again goodbye
Jing the Red Panda Kwami: almost got off
Pablo Stine: I'm new Guardian of Miraculous Box
Jing the Red Panda Kwami: I know right
*at school*
Pablo Stine: Hello
Marinette: oh you're new here 
Bunnix: Pablo?
Pablo Stine: Yes Bunnix I know I know keep the miraculous safe
Bunnix: You are so cute 
Pablo Stine: Hey!!!!!! 
*at Night*
Ladybug: You are
King of Red Pandas: I what Marinette Duping-Cheng
Ladybug: How
King of Red Panda: You do not want to know
*After They kills HawkMoth and Lila*
King of Red Panda: Goodbye

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