25: X Home Invasion

Start from the beginning

She heard something slam. Someone was breaking through the door of the basement.

She ran into the Rec Room.

She found Kitty and Colossus there.

Colossus must have been planning something, but Kitty had him now and was trying to tell him to run.

"What is this about?" Colossus asked.

"Get us out of here," Mystique hissed at Kitty. "Distance is the only thing we have against them."

Kitty bit her lip and grabbed both their arms and went through the wall.

Now they were in the pool room.

"I can't go upward..." Kitty said. "I barely did that alone, and I'm not sure how I did it. It was like swimming through mud..."

"Get us to stairs, Little Shadow," Colossus said. "Colossus do rest."

"Are you mad? They'll drop us at once," Mystique said.

"What about the other kids?" Kitty said.

"Their only hope is us leading these crackpots away from them," Mystique said. "They can't fight."

"Leech can fight, a little," Kitty said. "He can drain people's powers."

Mystique frowned. "He can?"

There was just the slightest chance...

"Go get him," she told Kitty. "Just him. Do it quietly, go through the empty rooms, bring him back here. Or if we have to run, find us. Don't let them see you. It's just possible you might not be able to be attacked telepathically while you're phasing, so use it."

"But..." Kitty sputtered.

"You can do it," Colossus told her. "Colossus know you can."

"I..." Kitty faltered. "Okay, I'll try."

She ran through the walls.

"If she gets him, and they don't kill us first, there is just one thing we might be able to do to get out of this," Mystique said to Colossus. "If Leech can stop Psylocke's power for a brief time, we could give the others the slip, just possibly."

"You have experience in this area?" Colossus asked her.

"I've worked for teams of mutants for decades," Mystique said. "And I know Magneto's team."

"Good enough for Colossus. He follow your lead, then," Colossus said. "What do you need me to do?"

"For now, nothing, but if she pulls this off, can you handle their muscle?" Mystique said. "The others...only Kitty might be able to avoid them."

"Colossus think he can," Colossus said.

They had to hope that was true.

* * *

Kitty had no time to think as she ran through walls, or she'd have panicked too much to do it.

If her training hadn't made her a little better at this, she'd never have done it. She still got stuck in a wall briefly and almost panicked, but then she managed to get back out, and she didn't give herself time to think, she just ran.

The danger room wasn't too far away, thankfully, and she phased in there and dodged the robots. They were barely moving, the settings were so low.

The kids were still freaking out.

"Hey," Kitty grabbed Leech. "We need help. This isn't real--this is just a sim, but we have a real job for you."

"But others--" Leech said.

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