➰ DAISY - Inhuman ➰

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That's one thing I can agree with. I blast her back, this time much harder. Another ability that comes with my new-found power is that I can see well in the dark.

Turning off the lights would be tactical in more than one way. I'll gain more power as well. The room turns dark and cold.

It brings me back to the months where mom couldn't pay the power bill. I feel like I'm home again. This is what I was meant to do. What I was meant to be. I love it.

The man comes at me. He's a lot bigger than when he was on the stairs below me. I look down and see that my shirt is white. Shit. Anyone could see me like this. I might as well be wearing a neon sign.

I take off the t-shirt revealing a black bra underneath. Much better.

The woman comes at me with a punch, but I deflect it. My offence is crap, but I can block almost anything. A life skill that was a necessity to have where I've lived.

I kick her with terrible form, barely doing anything, but I back it up with another blast to the chest. Her partner helps her up, giving me time to run up the stairs.

"So she's not on our side I assume?"

"I haven't even gotten the chance to talk to her yet. I bet she thinks we're HYDRA."

"Can't blame her, I told you we should have worn disguises. We look like them."

"And I told you that you shouldn't bring a gun! That's probably the first thing she saw. God this is such a mess. I just need to-"

"Remember that some people don't want to be saved. Whether she thinks we're bad or not, I doubt she'd come with us now. I think she broke my arm. Or both my arms."

"Don't be dramatic, we have to keep trying.
The ATCU could come here at any moment, and you know Coulson wants her out when they do. Are you really gunna let him down
like that? Or, are you going to help?"

"Dammit Daisy, I hate you sometimes."

Wait. So these people are not ATCU? And who's Coulson? He sounds important. They also said they're not HYDRA.

Just because these people don't work for the modern Nazis, doesn't mean they're good people. They're still hunting me.

Daisy and MNIDK (man's name idk) come after me again, but this time I have the upper hand. It's pitch black.

"Fitz, can you get some light in here?"

Nope. I lied. Now there's a bunch of yellow balls of light flying in. Motherfucker.


I wake up in a white box. There's a weird pattern that outlines the walls, and a few windows to look out of. The door opens.

Now I'm in yet another white room, but this time there's a bed and a tv. There's no remote that goes with it, but at least I have my phone. Never mind, they took that.

"Hello Mrs Reynolds. I'm Mack, and this is Daisy. Sorry we had to take you in like that, but you weren't exactly cooperating."

When did they get in here? How did I not hear the door opening? Why do my ears-

"If you're wondering what the sound is, its most likely the serum we injected you with. You got up earlier than expected."

Before speaking, I think about answering in a different language. I don't because I'm sure they've been monitoring me.

Marvel/AOS One-ShotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz