1: dan and drago disappear

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it was a beautiful day in the city of los volmos. the sun was shining, the citizens in the town square were bustling and talking to one another but then suddenly, chaos!

out of nowhere a beam of energy strikes an on coming car on the street causing people around to shriek. the person and his one passenger who were in the car quickly get off. the driver looks up and notices the source.

it was a bakugan out for revenge! a ventus mantanoid to be exact. he attacked the car again but before it could hit, people ran away and screamed.

"fear not citizens, we've got this all under control!" a familiar and loud voice boomed with confidence from a top a building.

some people stopped running when they heard it and turned up to see. "it's the awesome brawlers!" one boy gasped excitedly.

"ohh, shun is soo dreamy." the girl beside him swooned.

shun heard that and grew flustered. his 3 friends laughing.

dan, lia, wynton and shun were the heros of this city! with their trusty bakugan partners, they were always there to stop danger before anyone got hurt. and they were pretty popular to say the least. having million of adoring fans both online and in real life.

but they were also just regular kids having fun so keeping their home town safe was seriously an honor.

"alright everyone! let's quickly stop this bakugan so drago and i can get back to the show we were watching." dan instructed.

"right!" the rest of the crew said.

"and i still have that movie i wanna film." lia added. "anyway! drome up!"

the drome was summoned to stop any further damage and the brawlers all quickly took out their bakugan partners.

"bakugan brawl!" they all yelled at the same time in order to roll out their bakugan.

trox, pegatrix, hydrous and drago quickly had the mantis creature surrounded.

"drago! you know what to do! start this brawl off with your best twisting inferno!"

the red dragon nodded. "you got it dan!" and in no time at all, spewed out the firey blast attacking the ventus menace with ease.

the others soon followed suit, sending attacks of their own when their human best friends instructed them to but to be frank, the brawl honestly did not last long. with their attacks perfectly in sync, the battle was over almost as soon as it started. everyone could see now why the awesome brawlers were seen as such strong brawlers.

their mysterious opponent then rolled into ball form: defeated, and the crowd that stayed behind cheered.

"hooray for the awesome brawlers!"

"you guys did it!"

"wow, you're all so cool!"

"shun, marry me please!!"

dan bowed more enthusiastic in the win than the rest who just saw it as another day. "thank you thank you, you're all too kind. couldn't have done it here with drago's awesome power of course."

drago chuckled but paused when he looked down and saw the defeated mantanoid start to twitch in his rolled up and defeated state. "huh?" he mumbled.

"what is it drago..?" trox asked him from beside.

"something's not right.." but before he could elaborate, the mantanoid grew back in size and unrolled. everyone around gasped, the awesome brawlers turned around confused and dan whined.

"what the, hey! i thought we defeated you!"

mantanoid did not answer and instead extended his arms and sent out a loud cry. everyone groaned and covered their ears. and as this happened a pink and purple spotted portal began to form around dan. starting out small before it began to expand beneath his feet.

kouzo didn't notice since his ears were tapped and he had his eyes closed but wynton was the first to see. he gasped. "dan! get outta the way!"

"huh?" dan looked down and screamed at the sight. he tried to run away but the portal was already too big and ultimately sucked him in to his own dismay. he yelled as he fell and everyone just watched in horror.

"dan!" drago yelled and quickly flew in after him without hesitation.

the awesome brawlers yelled for him too (for some reason some people began to cry in the crowd of civilians as well) and before the three friends could jump in after him, mantanoid stopped them by throwing a beam of light at their feet before he jumped in himself.

and after watching all that, the portal instantly closed. everyone left confused and some scared out of their mind.

because just like the title said: dan and drago disappeared.

haunted lust / magdan auOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant