Chapter 9: A Series of (very) Unfortunate Events

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After beating Dot up, Hester led the coven to the Lady of the Lake after much convincing. 

"This is a waste of time, and Ani you said I was stubborn." Hester muttered. 

"Well it was Dot's idea, not mine!" Anadil said in her defense. 

"Fair point." Hester sighed in response.

As the three witches neared the water, they tried to not to look in the direction of Chaddick. Once they were near enough, Hester crouched down on her knees as Anadil and Dot stood behind her. 

The three witches exchanged nervous glances as Hester lightly ran her fingers through the icy cold water.

"Lady of the Lake? Sorry to bother you—it's the Coven." Hester said. 

Absolute silence. 

Hester narrowed her eyes. "Oh don't be so stubborn now, I know you're in there. Last time you had interaction it was with an Ever but this is different so stop being lazy and get up here or we're coming down. We need to speak with y-"

Suddenly, the Lady darted like a torpedo through the water and exploded above the surface, drenching the coven in icy cold water. 

"Great going Hester," Anadil grumped, her white hair soaked to her skin for the second time that day. 

As if Hester wasn't upset about being wet again who likes getting drenched with freezing cold water?

"Hey, at least it worked." Hester murmured in her defense.

"What do you kids want from me?! I thought we made a deal!" The Lady growled. 

Hester glanced at Anadil and Dot, Dot urging her on with her hand. 

"You don't remember us? I'm offended, look a bit closer, Lady." Said Hester. 

The Lady of the Lake narrowed her eyes slightly and scanned each of the Coven's members. First Hester, then Dot, and lastly Anadil. She showed no signs of recognization of the group, or even a "hey I missed you!" 

"Oh. It's you." The Lady said, unamused. 

"Glad you've notic-"

"What do you want." 

Hester hesitated, glancing intently at Anadil and Dot. Anadil seemed to read her mind and she made claws with her fingers. 

"There's another villain." Hester said quickly. 

The Lady raised an eyebrow, still unamused. "And?"

Anadil gaped at her, "and we need help, what else! Jeez, so rude..."

The Lady stared at Hester, and Hester only. It made the witch feel uncomfortable.

"First of all, I refuse to help anybody. Second, not my problem. Third, I am only loyal to the king. You are Nevers, correct? And last time I checked, you guys hate King Tedros. Especially blackie here." The Lady retorted, glaring at Hester as the fierce witch glared back. "Fourth, what am I supposed to do? I cannot help you. Bye." 

Then the Lady started to slowly drift downwards. 

"HEY! Don't ditch us, I didn't even respond yet you ninny!" Hester growled. And on cue, the Lady immediately darted back up, splashing the Coven again as Anadil hissed like a cat. 

"YOU DISGRACE, I AM NOT A NINNY!" The Lady screamed, high pitched and full of danger. 

"Talks like one...smells like one...looks like one. Yup. 100% ninny." Hester said with an eye roll.

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