Final Chapter

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After the reception and everything. Maddie and Erik goes to bed. But Erik has a nightmare about what could of happened to his wife.

"Dearly beloved and departed...we are gathered here today to join this man and this corpse in marriage." Selena smiled setting the wine and glass on the table.

"Erik?" Maddie whispers noticing his nervous face.

"Living first." Selena said waving her hand to Erik as he smiles.

"With this hand...I will lift your sorrows. Your cup will never empty...for I will be your wine." Erik recited looking at Maddie and softly nodding.

"Now you." Selena said looking at Maddie.

"With this hand...I will lift your sorrows. Your cup will never empty. For I will be...I will be..." Maddie mumbled.

"Go on, my dear." Selena said softly as she poured the wine into a cup for Erik.

"Your cup...will never empty...for I will be...I will be your wine." Maddie said before looking behind Erik and gasping to herself as she sees Pippa.

"She's having second thoughts." Someone in the crowd whispered as Erik put the cup up to his mouth.

"I can't." Maddie smiled sadly putting her hand over the cup stopping Erik.

"What's wrong?" Erik asked tilting his head.

"This is wrong. I was a bride. My dreams were taken from me. Well, now... Now I've stolen them from someone else. I love you, Erik. But you're not mine." Maddie said sadly tearing up, taking the hand of someone behind Erik and pulling them into Erik's view.

"Pippa!" Erik gasps hugging her as the doors of the church open.

"Oh, how touching. I always cry at weddings. Our young lovers are together at last. Surely now they can live happily ever after." Matthew clapped pulling Pippa out of Erik's arms.

"But you forget...she's still my wife! I'll not leave here empty-handed!" Matthew yelled in outrage holding a sword to Pippa's throat as Maddie's eyes widen.

"You?" Maddie whispers looking at Matthew in shock and fear, taking a step back as Erik gives her a concerned look.

"Maddie?" Matthew said like he's seen a ghost him and Pippa taking a step back.

"You!" Maddie yelled in rage taking a step forward.

"But... But... I left you." Matthew whispered in fear.

"For dead." Maddie whispered in anger causing Erik and the others to gasp in rage as well.

"This woman is delusional!" Matthew yelled as Maddie glared stepping forward but stopped seeing Matthew put the sword closer.

"Sorry to cut things short, but we must be on our way." Matthew smiled going to turn around but was cut off.

"Take your hands off her." Erik hisses stepping forward.

"Do I have to kill you too?" Matthew rose a brow letting Pippa go and walking up.

"Erik, catch! Sorry." Peggy sighed throwing a fork at Erik.

"Well I must say, I think it's your time." Matthew sneers taking a stab at Erik but stabbed Maddie instead.

She pulls the sword out of her stomach and points it at Matthew's chest.

"Touché, my dear." Matthew smiled widely.

"Get out." Maddie growled stepping forward touching the sword at Matthew causing him to bleed slightly.

"Oh, I'm leaving. But first a toast." Matthew walked around Maddie and grabbed the wine glass.

"To Maddie. Always the bridesmaid, never the bride." Matthew giggled as Maddie glared.

"Tell me, my dear...can a heart still break once it's stopped beating? " Matthew asked as Maddie looked away.

"Let me at him! Let me at him!" Rae yelled but was held back.

"No, don't hold me back." Rae hissed as Selena held her back.

"Wait. We must abide by their rules. We are amongst the living." Selena sighed.

"Well said." Matthew nodded drinking the wine before choking.

"Not anymore." Peggy smiled widely.

"You're right. He's all yours." Selena said as the dead pushed him into a closet where screams of fear are heard.

"New arrival." Fred whispered before closing the door.

"Oh, Erik, I never thought I'd see you again." Pippa smiled hugging Erik tightly.

"Wait. I made a promise." Erik said walking up to Maddie.

"You kept your promise. You set me free. Now I can do the same for you." Maddie said smiling putting the rings into Erik's hands.

Erik teared up and hugged his friend, who gently hugged back before putting Erik's hand in Pippa's and giving the other woman a nod, much like a promise, Pippa nodded back.

Maddie walked down the end of the walkway, opening the doors and looking at the moon.

Maddie sighs smiling before glowing and turning into a swarm of blue butterflies and flying into the night as Erik and Pippa smiled to each other.

Suddenly Erik wakes up and Maddie wakes up as well. Erik tells her what happened and Maddie reassures him. After that they fall back asleep.

5 years later. Erik and Maddie have adopted 4 kids, they are quadruplets and not biologically related because Erik and Maddie are dead. The kids are named Loki Kyle Destler, Pippa Selena Destler, Christine Rae Destler, and Raoul Piro Destler and they all live happily in the land of the dead.


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