part two <3 his nightmare

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A/N this one is longer than the last on

Hinata woke up shaking and struggled to breathe. He had woken up from a nightmare. He had gotten these a lot but this one seemed to be worse than the rest that he had ever had. In his dream, Yamaguchi had been cheating on him with Tsukishima.

They were making out in the club room and when Hinata had walked in on them, they hadn't stopped, instead, they just looked at him while making out. After a while of Hinata just standing there they had finally stopped but Hinata, he would have rather had them continue than what happened next. When they had stopped they weren't even embarrassed about it instead they started to yell at Hinata "you're useless" "no one will ever love you" "I can see why your dad left you" "why don't you just go die somewhere". Hinata tried to stay calm but he was slowly starting to break down. Finally, they were leaving when Yamaguchi said "if you thought I really loved you well you're wrong nobody could ever love you"

That's when Hinata had finally woken up he turned over to check the time it read 4:45 am. He had gotten 45 minutes of sleep and he wanted to go back to sleep but he knew that it would be close to impossible, so instead of fighting with his insomnia he decided to just take a shower to "wash away" all the terrible memories.

Once he was out of the shower he had gone to his kitchen to get some food when he heard his phone go off in his room. He walked back to his room to grab his phone. The caller ID read MY BESTIE KEN-KEN<3
Hinata answered confused about why Kenma was calling at 5 in the morning.

"Hey Ken-Ken what's up?" Hinata said with confusion evident in his voice. "Hi Hina, I heard about your breakup. Are you okay?" Kenma said worriedly. "Yea I'm fine but are you, you're never up this early what's got you up?" "Oh the same as you, insomnia" Kenma said with tiredness in his voice. "How'd you know I was up due to insomnia?" "I know everything" Kenma said with a slight hint of confidence in his voice. "I don't think I will every know about how you do that, but you keep doing it" Hinata said, still confused on how his best friend had always found a way to tell. "So know that we have that dealt with, be honest are you okay I'm serious?" Kenma said again, knowing all about Hinata. "..." Hinata stayed silent. "I know you're not so I'll skip over the questions" "how do you know" Hinata asked with an attitude. "Well you love Yamaguchi how I love Akaashi and if we were to break up I would feel like dying and I have a feeling you feel the same way but you are just pushing it all down which is bad for you and you know it" Kenma went on for about 5 more minutes. "Okay, okay I understand I'll tell you"

After Hinata explained everything including his dream, Kenma kept telling him that he deserves the world and more. "Hinata you know that he didn't deserve you in the first place and you should just relax and when you're ready, start a new relationship and just move on. I know that it's hard don't forget I dated Kuroo and for months after he had broken up with me I was in a constant state of depression until you came along. So now I'm going to help you. Plus when you're feeling better and after you talk to Kageyama you should come and visit me and Akaashi. We just got a kitten and I bet you would love them" Kenma explained. "What's the cat's name?" "Oh we named her Ichika, they're a ginger cat and they're a girl" Kenma said excitedly about their new kitten. "Okay well I be there tonight I'll text you after me and Kageyama meet up" Hinata said ready for the day to go faster so he could meet Kenna's kitten. "Okay well I have to go Akaashi is calling me back to bed for cuddles" Kenma said with a loving tone in his voice "have fun keep it pg~" Hinata said teasingly. "Yea, yea love ya bye" Kenma said to his best friend. "Yea, love ya to bye"

A/N I headcanon that Kenma and Hinata say I love you to each other but it's completely platonic.

After the call, Hinata made himself a quick snack because he didn't feel like eating a whole meal. After he ate his snack he went to his room to find something to wear. He didn't really want to go but he said he would and he didn't want to leave Kageyama alone with his thoughts because he knew he himself hated being left alone with his own thoughts. As he was looking at what to wear in his closet he found ripped jeans and an oversized t-shirt. Though it was simply he thought that was the best Kageyama was going to get out of him due to his lack of energy. Before he left he made sure he had extra money on him and texted Kageyama that he was in his way then left.

A/N I will posting at least one chapter a day due to it being spring break for me

the sun after the storm (Tsukiyamakagehina angst and fluff)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz