Dreams are dangerous

Começar do início

" This seems to be a medicine cabinet."

I slowly reached out to the handle of the closet to open it, my hand had already touched the cold knob and was about to pull it towards my body.

Suddenly I heard something running behind me, or towards me?

No this can't be... I thought I was alone in here!??
I quickly turned around in pure fear and couldn't control my breathing anymore, only gasps were escaping my lungs.
As I tried to see the figure that was running past me I noticed how small it was, like a child..


The little girl that I was looking for, she was here! I found her!
I quickly run after her and followed her to the ladder

" Wait!!! I'm here to help you!"

Why the hell was she running from me?!
I quickly climbed up the wooden ladder and almost fell down..
I took large steps and my candle flickered wildly while I was running after the little girl

" You're father asked me to come here!!"

I was in the upper room again and saw the tiny silhouette of the child escape the room through the door on the right side.

But the door, which I had run to was locked?!

" Damn it! She locked the door?!"

I pushed my whole body against it and slammed against the door again and again but it was useless, it didn't open..

" Fuck! She must have blocked the door with something.."
This didn't make sense, a small child wouldn't have the power to block a door this quickly..

" Someone must have helped her.."

I said while looking around the room hastily.
I stopped trying to break the door and started thinking.
Did she mistake me for someone else? Perhaps she doesn't want to see her family and that's the reason she ran from me...

As I calmed down I noticed how tired I was and looking at my candle I noticed that it shrank to its half again, which confirmed that I already spent hours in the rotten mansion.

" Somethings not right here... but now, I'm a little tired, maybe I should get some rest..."

I said to myself while slowly wandering to the leathered chair next to the bookshelf.
I sat down and took a deep breath before I closed my eyes and drifted away.

Suddenly I heard something running again, the girl!!
I jumped from the chair, my vision got blurry and I started running as fast as I could.

I followed her down a long dark hallway that led me to the exit of the manor, how was she this fast!?

I started to get visions during the chase.

I saw fire, lots of fire;
the little girl which was running from me, looking at me with her big scared eyes;
more fire which was flickering brightly right before my eyes;
I heard people banging against a window aggressively, their screams and cries made shivers roll down my spine.

What the fuck is happening right now.

My breathing got faster and faster and I could feel how my stamina was leaving my body just when I needed it the most!

Noo! The girl! She was so fast and I just couldn't catch up to her! I ran and ran until I reached the exit of the manor.

Suddenly I heard an explosion behind me, so loud that I thought I'd turn deaf any moment.

Looking back as fast as I could I saw the little girl in the arms of  a woman, hugging her while staring at me with the creepiest but at the same time saddest look I have ever seen in my whole life.
Big eyes, filled with nothing but pure fear.

Fire was surrounding them and I knew that they were about to die because of it, a tear was running down my cheek as I was standing there paralysed.
My visions got more vivid, louder and louder, I wanted to scream, scream so loud that someone would safe me, safe the girl!

And then I woke up.

I was frightened, gasping for air after such a terrible nightmare.
I thought about the diaries again..

" What is it that lies in those forgotten memories..?"
I said while massaging my temples.

Suddenly I noticed how quiet it was in the room, the rain has stopped... How long was I asleep?

Looking at the door again I saw that it was slightly open...
I ran to it quickly

As I stepped outside I saw a long and big hallway with an elegant red carpet and ancient greek statues to both of my sides.
Before me I saw the little girl, which was running away from me again, this time she was slower. I ran after her and it didn't take long until I started to hear something...


I didn't know if they were real, I was pretty sure they were in my head, I couldn't explain it....
Was this due to my memory loss?

" Did you see him?"
I heard a female voice say

"Perhaps they're off playing in the woods again"
A male voice.

" That piccolo.. Is that a gift?"
A deep male voice of an older man said

"That's a key!"
The female voice said.

" How interesting it sounds like...like.."

" Like the nightingale!!"

"His mothers condition has worsens.. maybe we can help them.."
The deep voice said

"Poor child.."
The woman answered.

"They mentioned some strangers in the woods!"
Another male voice said.

"City folks?" Another voice asked

"Doesn't seem like it..Those drifters, they worry me..."
The female voice answered.
" We.. We should inform Bane and Burke.."
She added.

Bane and Burke?
Who are they, and what are these voices in my head??

I pushed these questions aside, the little girl was before me! That was more important...

Suddenly I felt very tired again and stopped running for a moment. I was so so exhausted, my steps got heavier and heavier until I finally stood still.

Resting my arms on my knees and breathing loudly I looked forward to the little girl.
She turned around and stared at me.

Suddenly I heard a loud thunder noice and the light walls of the manor turned dark.

Fog filled the room and the thunder noice got louder and louder, I was so scared,
what was happening!?
The fog wasn't just regular fog, as it came closer I noticed of thick and dark it was.
It ripped the whole mansion apart and came closer and closer.

I wanted to run away but suddenly my hand started to cramp and hurt terribly.
As I looked at it the cramping got worse and the fog came closer.

My legs wouldn't move, I didn't know what to do!
I grabbed my wrist with my left hand to stop the shaking movements of my right hand, which appeared due to the cramps.

Suddenly I felt something wet underneath my hand..
As I pulled it away I saw the letters "WAKE UP" carved into my underarm.
I was petrified.

The floor below me suddenly started to break into millions of splinters of sharp glass and I was drowning in them.
My sight got dark and..

I woke up again.


I was gasping for air and tried to calm down.

" Another nightmare.."
I slowly stood up and walked to the door to check if it was open again.

As I touched the shiny knob of it and tried to pull it towards me I realised that I was still locked up in here.

I sighed disappointingly and looked down to my feed.

I moved my eyes from my shoes to the wrist of my right arm.

"Wake up"

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Identity VOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora