New life

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Melek was going down the street when she saw Asmae Thombson what's wrong asmae asked melek. Melek was really sad and said that she searched for a job but couldn't find one ... Asmae asked her what her superpower was and she answered with it's not your business 😠

Melek ran away and a day passed
The next morning melek went to the coffee shop and bought her coffee but she accidentally spilled coffee on someone ...
MELEK: OHHHH ... I'm soooo sorry sir .....
Random man: There is no need to be sorry....

Both off them looked up and instantly felt butterflies in their stomach
It was her first time feeling for someone something after Tom her ex-boyfriend

But melek felt scared and ran off the cafe
But the man follows her and he bought her a new coffee because she spilled the other one over him she asked the man what his name was and he aswerd with Rafe ....."


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