Please Don't-Chandlamara

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Ayyye first one shot of the booook.

Warnings:Attempted suicide, suicidal thoughts, sadness?, mentions of rape, mentions of bullying



Chandler's pov-

Somethings off with the usually happy, Ray of sunshine we call McNamara. She seems distracted by something. I can't tell what. Her normally bright smile has been replaced with a constant nervous frown, she hardly laughs compared to the fact she laughs at pretty much anything.


I take a book out my locker, willing to actually go to lesson. My mind keeps darting off to a certain blond Heather. So what I have a big, fat, lesbian crush on her, I'm just concerned. With her behavior recently, something terrible must have happened. I'll just have to try and talk to her at lunch.

Lunch finally rolls around and Mac seems distracted. Too distracted. Sawyer is making goo goo eyes at Jessie James and Duke is gossiping about some chic I've never heard of. I'm half listening to Duke, nodding and making small comments and half watching everything McNamara does.

Suddenly Mac gets up.
"I-I'm just gonna be a second." she says, rushing out the caf. I follow her with my eyes, Duke still talking about Sofia or whatever her name was. After a minute I can't stand to think of what's going on with McNamara. I abruptly stand up.

"Shut up Heather, Ronnie stop throwing your panties at the emo kid. Anyways I'll just be a minute, no following." I tell them sternly and rush out the cafeteria.

I go to the only place I imagine Mac is, the girls bathroom. Specifically the Heathers' bathroom. I get in just in time to catch Heather shove a whole tub of anti-depressants into her mouth.

McNamara's pov-

I shove the entire tub of medication into my mouth, filling the now empty tub up with water before I decide to swallow any. That is until I feel someone slap me round the back of the head, making me spit out all the pills. I angrily turn my head to whoever has stopped me. I realise it's Chandler. The hottest girl ever. I feel a faint blush creep onto my cheeks. "THIS IS NOT THE TIME TO BE THINKING THIS! GOD." I tell myself off in my mind.

Chandler gently takes my hand and I realise there's tears falling from her eyes. Her beautiful grey-blue eyes. I mentally slap myself again. If it's not mentally it's physically.
"Mac. What the hell?" Chandler sobs out. I feel the tears prick in the back of my eyes. Before I know what's going on I throw myself into Chandler's arms, sobbing into her shoulder. I feel myself being picked up gently and I wrap my legs around Heather's waist.
"It's fine. It's okay, I'm here. I promise I won't let anything happen to you." she whispers in my ear. I nod, trying to calm myself down a little before I go and unload everything onto Chandler.

I eventually feel myself being placed down after at least a minute of hugging.
"Come sit and tell me what happened." Chan says, wiping tears from her eyes as she places herself on the floor.

I tell Heather everything. I tell her all the things I've been feeling. The depression, the thoughts of suicide. The people who bully me. Recently I've been getting bullied for something, I'm not entirely sure what but it really hurts being picked on. That's why I never feel comfortable hurting others. I tell her about the rape. The rape from my boyfriend Kurt. Kurt motherfucking Kelly. I tell her how I'm failing maths, how my parents are divorced and by the end of the conversation we're both in tears. She gently pulls me onto her lap, wiping away some of my tears with her thumb even though new ones will just fill their places. I rest my head on her shoulder once again as her arms wrap around my waist protectively.
"I will never, ever let anyone hurt you again. Okay? You mean the world to me, t-the absolute world. You're too good for this earth, too godamn presious. Anyone ever tries anything with you, they'll have to got through me first." Chandler says through sobs. I nod, crying loudly now.

"I love you so godamn much Heather McNamara. so, Godamn, Much." Heather whispers.
"Y-You mean it? I've just had so many people c-claim that bu-" I get interrupted but Heather.
"I mean every. Single. Word." She tells me. I let out a shaky breath and nod my head, closing my eyes as I feel myself relax.


That was a lil bit shitty but hey its the first one.

Heathers One Shots bc I like womenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora