Chapter 1

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16 years later

Sadie sighed as she got her textbooks out of her locker. She could feel the eyes of the other students around her. She could feel their gaze, it was almost penetrating like they were trying to look into her soul. Sadie closed the locker and turned around to face the other students. As soon as she turned, their bravery vanished as they looked away from her, pretending that they had never been staring.

Sadie was aware how the students thought of her. They were either deathly afraid of her, or would tease her constantly. Sometimes even both. It wasn't their fault though, she WAS terrifying. Her messy black hair went down to her waist and stuck out in every direction, her purple eyes darkened whenever she angrily looked at people, and her clothes, let's just say they weren't normal for a highschool student of THIS century. Overall she looked like a Victorian doll, a creepy Victorian doll. Her nana would convince her not to think these things, tell her that she was perfect just the way she was, but her nana wasn't here now, and she wasn't sure how much longer she would be.

Sadie closed her locker. It was no use thinking of that, she couldn't do anything about it. Her grandmother's sickness was normal, most people got sick, but still, Sadie couldn't help but worry. Death had always seemed like such a far away concept, something that would only be encountered much later in life but now it seemed closer than ever.

She didn't know what she would do without her grandmother. Her grandmother was the only one who listened. Her grandmother had been with her for her whole life. Sadie couldn't imagine a life without her. Her grandmother had struggled so much to get her where she was today and she didn't want to let her grandmother down. She would go to a university, then get a high paying job and help her grandmother live her live comfortably. Her grandmother would get over her sickness, she had to! She was one of the only ones who cared.

Daisy cared, but she seemed... so sad lately. It was almost like she was disconnected from herself and in her own little world. She did a good job of hiding it though, most people wouldn't suspect a thing, but Sadie did. Daisy was one of the closest people to Sadie and Sadie knew her habits. Things had shifted for the past month, into something different. Well, that was until last weekend. Then suddenly Daisy was cured of whatever mysterious sadness she was feeling. And she started hanging out more with him. Sadie knew she shouldn't feel jealous but, when there are only two people who you care for, it's hard to let either of them go.

The bell rang and snapped Sadie out of her sorrowful thoughts. She sighed, "I guess I better get to class." 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2022 ⏰

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