My name is Yongbok

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"L-" but before the words 'Leave me alone,' left his pale lips. His shaky gaze met an angel.

An angel who was now peering over him, his eyes were chocolate-colored, which Hyunjin mistaken for pale blue at first glimpse. He was wearing a thin pelt jacket, with red mittens for his small hands. The snow falling around them seemed to hinder their pace, giving way to a presence that challenged their marvel. His blonde streaks were dangling down from his purple beanie, and flakes of snow found their way amongst the empty slots in the curves of his locks. His button-nose was red, like he had sneezed out a whole house before coming here, but nevertheless the brunette still found it adorable how he crinkled his nose before sneezing.

"Am I dead?" His mouth suddenly blurted out the words that appeared in his mind. He heard the blonde laugh his heart out. Instead of being embarrassed, he was awed at the small gestures of the stranger in the woods.

"No, silly! But we need to get to a shelter immediately, or we will get sick. Come on!" The blonde boy grabbed his hand; it felt chilly yet warm. Dumbfounded, Hyunjin closed his eyes, and allowed the boy to take him to an abandoned cabin nearby. He's got nothing to lose anyway; nowhere to go, might as well trust this stranger. They pushed through, and closed the door. Giggling from the adrenaline of rushing through a snowstorm, and falling on the opposite side of each other.

"I forgot to tell you my name," the blonde boy covered his mouth with his hand, "My name is Yongbok, nice to meet you!"

Hyunjin flicked his index finger against the spot in the middle of the blonde boy's forehead, where a red spot immediately formed. "You don't kidnap people, and tell them your name after," he chuckled at the stunned reaction of Yongbok. "It should be. Hi I'm Hyunjin, and I'm going to kidnap you." He wasn't sure where this side of him came from, but it was worth it seeing Yongbok look like a deer with headlights.

"You're going to kidnap me?!" Hyunjin saw Yongbok blink several times, trying to process the words that came from the brunette. "No! Of course not! To be honest, you were the one who brought me here without my permission, wasn't that kidnapping?"

"N-no, I just wanted to help you, that's all." The blonde said, while covering his face with his palms, occasionally taking peaks at the other boy before him. "It's okay I was just teasing you." Hyunjin answered with a meek smile on his face. His stare flew at the specific moldy spot on the far end of the wooden walls.

"What were you doing out here?"

"I was just visiting an old friend..." Hyunjin lay down on the cold floor, and turned his back on Yongbok. Hiding the hot tears that spewed from the depths of his heart, as the gloominess that haunts him, finally found their way back to slip its misery through the fissures of his wretched soul.


The sweet melody of birds chirping in the break of dawn woke him up with a smile on his poised face, regardless of his back that became an icicle overnight. Ironic it may be, but sleeping on the cold hard floor despite the threat of wolves, or getting trampled by an avalanche, was the best sleep he ever had in a while. He looked outside the window; the sun shone its warmth to erase the traces of snow last night. The door was not bulging from the mountain of white crystals. He looked to his left, and Yongbok was nowhere beside him, or anywhere inside the battered up cabin. Hyunjin opened the dusty old window, and stuck his head out to look around for the smaller boy. He shouldn't be out there alone.

"Yongbok?!" He yelled at the top of his lungs, as he used his hands to make the shape of a circle around his mouth to modulate the loudness of his voice. He did that three times; no one answered, nor was a sound heard out there in the wilderness. He was about to force open the door, and organize a search party for Yongbok. Until he heard the floor creaking, he turned around and...

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