Part 2

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                                     (Author: this is gonna be a long chapter)

A soon as Tae saw his Daddy standing in the kitchen near the microave he instantally tucked himself in with his blanket and cooky between his arms then heard a beeping sound and footsteps coming towards the couch and his Daddy appeared behind the couch holding his bottle which Tae sat up and made grabby hands to it as the elder gave it to him with a soft smile then sitting right next to him and soon enough Tae crawled onto his lap drinking his bottle , eyes fluttering to close and soon they did. As he closed his eyes the bottle fell from his hand onto the other side of the couch.

Jk noticed then he got the pacifire that was on Tae's lap and got a pacifire clip and clipped it onto his oversized sweater and into his mouth then got the bottle that fell right beside him as he carefully put it on the small coffee table in front of them then turning of the TV picking up a dead Asleep Tae then walking upstairs to Tae's room and slowly putting him in his crib trying not to wake him up. As he did that he gave a quick peck on the Angels face before saying a little  'Goodnight sweet cheeks, i love u' before closing the door and heading off to his own room to go to sleep.


As soon as Jk's Alarm went of Tae started sobbing from waking up and not seeing his Daddy and of course that was enough to wake up Jungkook as it made him flinch a little but soon got up and went to Tae's room to find him making grabby hands towards the Elder with some hair stuck to his forehead as he made his way to Tae and picked him up rocking him saying sweet nothings into his ear calming him down.

Jk: Has my baby woke up hmm                                                                                         Tae Nodded                                                                                                 
and started crying again.

jk: Awww baby its okay .

As soon as he said that Tae said something that Jk couldn't really Figure out .                                        

"Dada pashi " . the little said as Jungkook kinda got what he ment as Tae was slipping further into little space to head space.

"Baby how old are you?" . he said receiving Tae showing 2 fingers looking at him with doe eyes.
"Ahhh okay!" .He Replied as Tae rested his head on Jk's shoulder closing his eyes as kook walked downstairs to make there breakfast.

"Ok What does TaeTae want to eat?" . he asked as the Little said
" TaeTae wan 'ana Milk and choc-at chip pancwakes " .He Replied smiling thinking of the delicious food he was gonna eat soon.
"Ok" .was all kook said forgetting the pancake stuff and started making pancakes .

After the pancakes were done he put them in a plate added some fruit in a small bowl and some banana milk in his bottle , as he placed it down in front of Tae he started giggling happy that he got his food and strait away starting eating finishing all the food that was left then reached for his bottle and drank half .

"Dada TaeTae dwone wif bwekfast " .He told the older as he gently handed his plate and bowl in front of Jungkook as the older took it patted the little's head put the dishes in the sink and picked Tae out of his high chair and into his hip then went to the living room and stuck a movie on and let Tae down so he could play with his toys that were scattered on the small coffee table and some colouring books on the floor with a few pens on top of it neatly placed into the correct colour order red , orange and yellow .

And soon after all of that playing and some snacks it tired Are out as he told his Daddy and now he was in his crib with his bottle in his mouth paci right by him and Cooky in his Arms being squished as Tae was dreaming about something so he would move around a bit before staying still then back to moving again.

And the other Morning was just the same cuddles , kisses a And loads of attention which Tae loves and that was also his happy day which means that made him cheer up since he had an incident with Jimin cause Jimin wanted to play with Tae's toys and Tae said no and they got into a fight but it turns out Tae was grumpy that day and didn't really want to share but they both cleared that up and now there friends again.


     sorry bout the short chapter its longer then the other one but i will do another chapter tommorow if i can just stay tuned and be patient.

                                                       Thank You!!!          

                                                      By: Author

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