Chapter 1: A Different Beginning

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We begin our story in the halls of U.A., with 2 students, eager to start their first year on the hero course.

Kuroko Dairu:
Quirk: Crocodile
Gender: M
Height: 10 in. (25.4 cm)
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: None
Affiliation: U.A. High School Hero Class 1-A
Birthday: 11/02
Blood-Type: Crocodile
Likes: Salmon

This Mutant quirk quite literally shaped Dairu's human body in the shape of a crocodile, given him scales and other crocodile features. In other words, he is completely a crocodile except for his human brain and vocal cords.

Nome Reza:
Quirk: Laser Eye
Gender: M
Height: 7'2 ft. (2.18 m)
Eye Color: Light Blue
Hair Color: Black
Affiliation: U.A. High School Hero Class 1-A
Birthday: 3/28
Blood-Type: AB
Likes: Ramen

This Emitter/Mutant quirk is 2 separate kinds of quirks mixed into one. The first is that his left eye can shoot a laser at will, but only his left and causes him immense pain whenever he uses it. And the second is that is eye is huge, but again, only is left. It is roughly the size of a beach ball. He also has only a single hair atop is head.

Dairu: Hey! Nome! Are you in class 1-A too?!

Reza: Oh, hey Kuroko. I am, actually. Still don't understand why you wanted to keep it a secret until today, it was a fifty percent chance we'd be in the same class due to us both being accepted into the hero course.

Dairu: Yah yah, it was either this, or class B, whatever. What's important is that we're both surprised, right?

Reza: Not exaclty.

Dairu: ... Whatever. I wonder who will be in our class?

Reza: I hope they're nice, I hear people on the hero course can be obnoxious.

As the 2 enter the classroom, they are met with 18 colorful characters, all conversing within each other. Once they do, a larger, burly student greets the 2 with a booming demeanor.

Nioi Geppu:
Quirk: Belch
Gender: M
Height: 6'1 ft. (1.83 m)
Eye Color: Orange
Hair Color: Black
Affiliation: U.A. High School Hero Class 1-A
Birthday: 4/13
Blood-Type: O
Likes: Fried Chicken

This Emitter quirk allows the user to suck in large amounts of air and shoot out devastating belches. Although, if too large, can cause lung ruptures.


Reza immediately faints due to shock.

Dairu: Hello, I'm Kuroko Dairu, and this is Nome Reza.

Geppu: Well hello, you're the last to arrive, so it appears we are now just waiting on our teacher.

Dairu: I wonder which pro-hero'll be our teacher. Maybe it'll be The Streaming Hero: Stream-Line.

Geppu: No, teaching isn't his kinda style. Maybe it'll be The Earthquake Hero: Groundbreaker?

Reza, barely conscious: Maybe it'll be the Number One Hero: Game Master?

Dairu: Heh, you musta hit your head harder than I thought, there's no way Game Master is our teacher.

As the 3 talk about who their teacher must be, the classroom door slides open, and in ducks an extremely tall figure, a whopping 14 feet, with gray spindly limbs and a coil shaped head.

Kobe Yataro:
Hero Name: Spring-Man
Quirk: Spring Body
Gender: M
Height: 14'2 ft. (4.32 m)
Eye Color: Black
Hair Color: None
Affiliation: Pro Hero - U.A. High School Hero Class 1-A Teacher
Birthday: 11/01
Blood-Type: A
Likes: Fried Takoyaki

This Mutant Quirk grants the haver extremely long, spring-like limbs, which can extend quite the whiles away. This also grants great recovery when falling and great flexibility, naturally.

Mr. Yataro: Good morning students, I am the pro-hero, Spring-Man, but when in class, I'll be known as Mr. Yataro.

Class 1-A, in their minds: Who is this guy?

Mr. Yataro: As you all are aware, I hope, U.A. is a prestigious high school, with grueling courses and rigorous training. Only 1 of you got in by recommendation, but the other 19 of you managed to barely pass to get accepted into the hero course. And I am expecting for all 20 of you to give it your all and to do better than you did in the entrance exam.

Reza: I don't think we could have done that bad, right?

Mr. Yataro then looks down at a clipboard and puts on a pair of reading glasses.

Mr. Yataro: It says here that during the entrance exam, you in specific were screaming and crying the entire time while using your quirk to the point of you losing your voice and crying blood. In what world do you think that is an acceptable behavior for a hero?

Geppu: But if he did that bad, how did he even get in?

Reza: No need to be so rude...

Mr. Yataro: The reason he got in is the same as most of you. In recent years, U.A.'s popularity has been decreasing, and so, less entrance applications. Don't flatter yourselves by thinking you're something special, you, unfortunately, are the bottom of the barrel. But at least you the good ones.

Class 1-A, in their minds: This guy needs to work on his pep talks...

Mr. Yataro: I hope you all had great talks before I got here, because it's now time for a little competition. As other classes are doing, they are having small mingling parties for the students to get to know each other. We'll be doing that in a different way.

Dairu: And what's that?

Mr. Yataro: If you'll let me finish, we'll be having one on one spars, so everyone can see each others' quirks in action.

Dairu: Really? On the first day? Are you sure we can't just have a party like the other classes...?

Mr. Yataro: I'm sure. Everyone, get out to the hero training field behind the building, and prepare to go Plus Ultra...!

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