The Ball Boy | Arthur Shelby

Start from the beginning

"Don't you mind her, Arthur's balls will come in some day." Polly mutters to me, a bored expression on her face as I muffle my laughter, my hair dangling down my back and stroking my neck as my head shakes happily.

"Where's Arthur?" Tommy's voice cuts into the room, my giggling stopping as I turn to face him.

"He's already left." I tell him as he stands in the doorframe, the muscles around his eyes contracting along with the other muscles in his face, the whole thing a portrait of calculation. He shifts his weight, an unusual performance of nerves. "You alright?"

"He needs this." Tommy shakes a small piece of paper, snacking it into the palm of his other hand.

"Run it to him, he can't have gotten that far."

"I'm on the phone though." He nods to behind him, the phone left on the table, whoever it is on the other line are either staying extremely quiet or it's hard to hear them over Ada's huffing at the 'depressing and shite' weather.

"Give it 'ere." I cave, walking over to him and taking the small bit of parchment, Tommy winking at me as I leave him and the house out the front door.

I don't bother to get my coat, Arthur can't be that far away after all but as I walk I feel slightly regretful as to not having grabbed it.

"You cold?" John's unmistakable voice teases as it echoes through all the house, his taller silhouette now matching the speed of mine as he walks beside me.

"I'll be fine, just got to find Arthur."

"Going to confess our love, eh?" He smirks, him being enveloped in his big coat while I with envy at his warmth.

"Piss off." I laugh, my grip on the paper tightening like it's going to help me bear the cold.

"I ain't offering you my coat." He mumbles, looking around as we walk briskly.

"And why's that Johnboy?" I laugh, my eyebrows furring as I side glance at him.

"He would go fuckin' mental if you rocked up in my coat." He spits, half joking and half panicking as if the scene starts playing inside his thick head.

"I wouldn't let him." Coming to a stop as we reach a crossing, I send a small and amused smile in Johns direction. He howeve points forwards and I finally see what he's posting out.

In the distance, weaving through the market at a fast pace, I see a figure in front of us, Arthur.

"Come on then." John shrieks, breaking out into a small run as he grins lopsidedly, a gasp leaving my lips as he shoves me lightly.

"Johnathon!" I shout as I run after him, furious that he shoved me however laughing, my heels clopping against the cement.

"Arthur!" He shouts as we both run through the market, the pair of us careful not to bump into anyone.

"What the fuck-"

"Shit!" John cuts him off as they both crash into eachother, Arthur's sudden and unexpected halt causing John to almost take his legs out.

I laugh and laugh at them until my sides hurt, the pair of them saying it was the other persons fault as I stand there, giggling and clutching at my stomach.

"You can fuck off!" John points at me, a slightly jokey tone to his voice but clearly not one evident enough for Athur.

"Oi, don't fucking speak to her like that." Arthur's gruff voice rings out, some people stopping to watch as he clutching his younger brothers collar, a more fierce look in his eyes.

"Arth-" I struggle out between breaths, laughter still leaving my faintly red tinted lips. "Arth he didn't mean it."

As it doesn't work, I approach them, my hand softly grazing over Arthur wrist as his eyes meet mine. He widens his eyes and raises his eyebrows, an action I know now to be 'you sure?'.

I nod at him, a small smile on my lips as I watch him release John, John brushing his coat off as he looks around.

"Don't worry none of ya girlfriends saw." I laugh, Arthur grinning as John sulks slightly before winking at me, Arthur's smile dropping.

"Johnboy." He growls as I stand in the middle of them, my back to John as I peer up at Arthur.

"Leave it." I tell him sternly, however my normal smile and cheerful temperament gracing my face.

"Yeah Arthur leave it."

"Well stop fucking winking at her and being rude Johnboy or-,," He interrupts himself, "Y/n/n where's your coat?"

"I'm fine, I was only running this to you." I present him with the paper.

"Ah shit, yeah I was supposed to get that." He says slightly sheepish, gently grabbing it from me as he flashes me a grateful smile however it drops when he looks back up at John. "You didn't think to offer her your fucking coat?" He once again growls, his finger pointed.

I wrap my fingers around his singular one, tugging it down as I giggle at him.

"It's fine."

"Well you're wearing mine on the way back whether you like it or not." He orders, taking his coat off as he hangs it around me, his hands scooping my hair out the from underneath it as his eyes stare into mine.

I feel his fingers gingerly graze my neck and my breath hitches in my throat, his eyes darting from mine back to my lips and then up again.

"I'll see you later alright? I'd, uh, walk you back but I got alot of things to be doing, I am real sorry y/n/n-"

"It's fine." I break his shy and apologetic rant, my hands gripping onto his forearms as my thumbs rub circles onto the material of his suit.

"I'll see you later?" He asks, his hands half on my back and arms as we stand quite close together.

"Of course." I smile, his moustache curving as he mirrors my gesture.

"Good." He says proudly, his loud voice booming through the market before he pulls me closer to place a strong and hard kiss to my cheek, the action making me squirm with laughter; his moustache tickling my rosy cheeks.

"I'll see you later." He tells me as I place a small kiss on his cheek, gentle and soft.


Sorry if there's any mistakes but please let me know! Also let me know how you feel about this one and whether you want to see more of Arthur. Feel free to leave requests!

𝐏𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐲 𝐁𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬 | 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒Where stories live. Discover now