New L'manburg Members

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When I wake up I saw tubbo speaking to tubbo and will and fundy still asleep "what you never left my side tubbo" I got up and walked over to tommy and tubbo "none of us left you side" tommy and tubbo looked at me "but tubbo never left the tent not even to eat or drink" tommy look as if he was away to cry

"O new recruits are joining us today can yous wake will and fundy please" Saying this in a happy tierd tone "Wake us up for what" I look at will "How long where you awake for may I ask" Will looked at me "I just wake up hafe way through your sentence" I sighed "Two new recruits ars joining us today remember will" will looked confused for a second "O ye we do have new recruits joining us today" Will,tommy and tubbo all headed outside

While I was left the wake up fundy "hey fundy wake up" while gently shaking him awake "Hm do I have to wake up" He sounded so tried and soft "yes we have new recruits coming and a you have to met them" fundy look at me and slowly got up we walked out the tent and saw the two new recruits

"hello I'm y/n y/n y/l and you must be" I walked up to a man with red and blue glasses on "O my name is Jack Jackmanifold" I smiled at him will walked up to us "hi jack can I talk to you about l'manburg's
rules" Jack tured to will and they stated to talk

I walked up to the other new recruit "Hi I'm y/n but you can call me n/n and you are" She looked at me "Hi I'm niki but I'm really called nihachu" her voice was so sweet "do you like being in l'manburg so far" she started smiling "I'm loving l'manburg so far" me and niki started talking about something I think it was something about you're lives before l'manburg

When it turned dark will set off fireworks we all watched them exploded and it filled me up with joy seeing everyone happy after my brother's betrayal but I felt like someone was watching l'manburg celebrate the arrival of the new member

Dreams Pov

I was watching l'manburg celebrating the arrival of the new member I saw y/n push up her sunglasses and look around I quickly hided in the leaves of the tree I was in "Y/n is everything ok you seem worried is something wrong" I could hear someone's sweet voice "Yes I am just I fell like someone from behide the wall is watch us Niki" Y/n sounded worried and a bit scared "WILL I NEED TO GO CHECK SOMETHING BEYOND THE WALL IF THATS OK" I almost fell from the tree when I heard y/n ask wilbur that "THAT WILL BE OK JUST BE CAREFUL AND IF YOU FIND ANYTHING JUST SHOUT FOR ME OK" I fell out the tree this time and fell on a stick which snaped "Hello is their someone here" I heard y/n's voice and a smirk grow on my face "Yes their is someone princess"

Y/ns pov

I stood there in shock hearing Dream's voice dream walked up to me and whispered in my ear "Is someone shocked to hear and see me" Dream I could fell his hot breath on my shoulder "What are you doing here dream" Dream's smirk just grow into a smile "Back to being fisty I see" I just rolled my eyes "WHAT DO YOU WANT..." he put his finger on my lips "shh your going to get me caught" I slaped his hand away from my face "I can shout if I want don't you dare tell me what to do"

Dream's pov

We were so close to each other face I wanted to just take off her sunglasses and see what she and eret were hiding"DREAM SOMEONE'S HERE TO SEE YOU" I heard george shot for me and while y/n wasn't looking I put a crown on her head "OK I'LL BE RIGHT HERE O princess try not to let your crown fall" I walked to George "So who wants to meet me" George looked at me "his name is Jschlatt but call him Schlatt" I saw that he looked down at my hand "You give her the crown that has (f/c) gem on them" I simply just nodded

Sociopath Dream x fem reader x (DreamXD??)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें