Chapter 23 - Captain Save A Hoe

Start from the beginning

'Got some questions that I got to ask and I

Hope you can come up with the answers babe'

I thought doing my classic play the lyrics from a song to get my point across would work but it didn't. Kazutora just focused on the road and I just gave up, changing the song to a random anime opening. "That was a total fail" I thought as I sat his phone in my lap and looked forward.

Kazutora ended up driving to several different Bonten hideouts in which all of them were empty. "The way he just knows where these locations are makes me wonder." I sat in the passenger seat waiting for Kazutora to come back.

"It looks like this one is empty too." Kazutora got back into the car and got ready to drive off again.

"How do you know about these hideouts?" I knew asking him wasn't actually going to get me an answer.

"I've been looking into them for awhile."

"Really?" I was surprised he actually answered my question. "I'm not going to further interrogate him about it though" I thought and looked out the window.

Kazutora looked over at me and then back at the rode. "What? Not going to ask me why I've been looking into their hideouts?"

"Why would I when I know you're not going to tell me." I heard him chuckle. "See."

The two of us spent all night going around to all the different Bonten hideouts only to come out empty handed. It was also starting to get to a point that the sun was coming out. "All those hideouts and still nothing?" I took a bite from a donut Kazutora brought for me. I looked over at him and watched he take a drink from a energy drink he had. "So what now?"

"There's still one more hideout that we can look into." Kazutora chug his energy drink and got back into the car.

"Let's hope he's at this one." I got into the car as well after I finished what was left of my donut.

Kazutora drove us towards the last hideout he knew about and to our surprise we saw a couple of vehicles parked outside what looked to be an abandon movie theater. "This is it" I thought as Kazutora parked his car a good distance away from the building. I was starting to get really nervous for some reason. "Well I am about to walk into a place with a group of criminals I recently escaped from" I thought as I tried to calm myself down.

"This looks like this is the place" Kazutora said as he put the car in park. He went ahead and took off his seat belt.

"Um, what do you think you're doing?" I asked him as I took off my own seat belt.

"What does it look like I'm about to do." Kazutora got ready to open the car door and I quickly grabbed his arm, stopping him from leaving the car. "What?"

"Look, I know you said you had your own personal business with Bonten, but overall this whole current situation has nothing to do with you" I started as I stared him in the eyes. "This is my friend who's been kidnap by them, so this is my problem. Got it?"

"And how exactly do you expect to get both him and you out of there alive"

I looked away from him. "I don't know." I felt him take his arm back.

"So you just think you can go in there and expect nothing bad to happen?"

"That's not what I'm trying to say here." I know his has a point but I couldn't let him get more involved in this. I told myself before that I wanted to keep people out of my situation so they wouldn't get hurt or worse, killed. "Listen, Kazutora. I know it's not my place to tell you what you can or can't do, but it would break me if you got hurt because of me.

"I don't need you worrying about me."

"But I will!" I exclaimed. "I've gotten a few people killed already because of my involvement with Bonten." I grabbed his hands. "Just leave, please." Maybe those last couple of days I spent with him had me in my feelings or something.

Kazutora let out a sigh. "Fine. Just don't get yourself killed.

I smiled at him and let his hands go. "I'll try not to." I opened his car door. "Also remember, I was just some stripper you met." I took a deep breath and got out of his car, closing the door behind me. I then started to walk towards the abandon movie theater but stopped. I turned back and ran to Kazutora's car, opening the door. "Hey quick question. You don't by chance have any alcohol in here?"

"I have a bottle of whiskey underneath the passenger seat" Kazutora answered.

"Great." I reached my hand underneath the seat and grabbed the bottle. I twisted the cap off it and took a couple of drinks from the bottle. "I need some of this liquid courage because Lord knows I wasn't going to be able to walk over there without crying like a big baby." I recapped the bottle and put it back where I found it. "Okay, I'm leaving for real." I closed his car door and turned around, walking back towards my original destination.

Kazutora had a small smile on his face, shaking his head. "You almost looked cool for a second there." He actually listened to me and left the area, making sure he wasn't spotted by any other members of Bonten.

"I might have drunk too much" I thought as I tried to walk straight. "Oh well." I kept walking until I was right in front of the entrance of the abandon movie theater. I took a couple of deep breaths and slowly opened the door.

Property Of Bonten || Bonten x Female!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now