forgive me sibling

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      The sun sets and I sit on the couch eagerly waiting for the superiors to take nightly role and then leave us alone for the night, there's a knock on the door and the same women as before takes a look around the house and Pat's us down, she politely smiles and then goes back to the main office lucky for us we are the last house on the lineup.
          Zeke doesn't even knock and just walks into the door not even 20 minutes after the lady left, He wraps his arms around my waist and lays with me in his arms on the couch,
           "What the hell zeke what are you doing!?"
           "Shut up and just stay here for a minute, please I dont want what happened last night to be a one time thing, I've liked you ever since you first showed up in this hell house and when we get out I want to give you everything and experience all the real world things with you."
           "Zeke...I want all of that to but we have to actually get out first okay."
           "Yeah okay I can do that." He loosens his grip and allows me to sit up he gets up as well and leans his head on my shoulder.
           "You're such a softie y'know" his grip tightens on my waist small butterflies flutter in my stomach and my body starts to tingle all around,
            "Enjoy it cuz I can go back to being the overly obsessed 10 year old that used to throw rocks at your knees" I can feel his grin from behind me burning in the back of my head, I hated when he used to do that, I have small scars on my knees from it but at the time his ADD and ADHD were rise high and superiors didn't want him to take meds, he's learned to hide it now and put a mask over all of it we still know it's there but they don't.
            "Hey you two, I saw quill coming so imma just wait here" mini sits on the couch and begins to twiddle with her fingers, there's a knock on the door and she immediately walks over and opens it quill walks in looks at me and Zeke grabs ninis hand and walks to her room, he looked hurt almost betrayed I look at zeke to see that he is pist off.
            "What happened? Why does he look so hurt!" Zeke looks me dead in the eyes and replies,
            "The fucker kissed me when we got home so I pushed him off and told him I'm in love with you." It hit my heart like a dull needle stuck deep into your finger I didn't want to get between them they've been best friends since birth basically, I get up and walk to ninis door I can feel zekes dead stare like a laser in my back, I open the door to see nini halfway undressed and quill kissing her neck.
             "WHAT THE HELL! Th-thats my little sister and you! You shouldn't be doing this to her!"
             "Please calm down K it's not the first time we've done this" mini looks at me with a soft smile what does she mean "not her first time"!?
              "This has been a thing for a year now, I didn't want to tell you because I knew you would overreact"
              "B-but quill you kissed Zeke!" Ninis jaw drops and their eyes widen, quill looks at us both and then stops, looking at ninis hurt expression.
              "Its not what you think nini, I kissed him yes but shit! I dont fucking know it's all fucked up in my head I should have never done this to you I'm sorry."
              "Why did you kiss him? I don't care how complicated it is I want to know."
               "W-well uh I-im in love with kara okay! And you look so much like her but it's not the same and I kissed Zeke because he kissed her!" a tear falls down their cheek.
               "GET OUT! ASSHOLES...everything's always about kara nothing about little old nonbinary bisexual me…" nini walks out the door and is approached by a superior

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2022 ⏰

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