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Harry rocked nervously on the balls of his feet, his insides churning. "Are you sure about this?" He asked one last time to the blond boy next to him.

"If you ask that one more time, I'll hex you." Draco gripped Harry's chin and turned his head towards him. "We will go inside and we will show Diggory that you deserve to be treated like a king, okay?"

Harry relaxed, "Okay, Draco." Draco smiled and laced their hands together. "Come on, we'll have breakfast together at the Slytherin table."

They entered through the doors. A few stared at their conjoined hands and broke into whispers. Hermione and Ron sighed, they just hoped that this was a good idea.

Pansy wolf-whistled and Blaise sniggeres as soon as Harry sat down. "When did this happen?" She grinned.

"Yesterday." Draco said happily. Harry nodded in affirmation. 

"How?" Pansy asked and Harry lost concentration as he felt eyes at the back of his head. They were sitting back-faced towards rest of the tables.

He turned his head to find Cedric Diggory staring thoughtfully at them. Draco gripped his hand tightly and leaned down to whisper in his ear when he felt him tense.

"It's okay. Relax, love." He kissed the side of Harry's head and rubbed circles into his palm. Harry nodded and turned back to his food, smiling weakly at Parkinson's questioning glance. 

The rest of breakfast went smoothly. Classes went quickly as well, he spent the rest of his day in the company of Ron and Hermione and sometimes Draco to discuss what they would do next.

Their fake-relationship consisted of them holding hands, frequent kisses on the face and giving dopey and loving glances across the table. They hadn't kissed each other, not yet. Harry wasn't ready.

A week later, Harry dragged him to the Gryffindor table with a pleading glance which Draco couldn't say no to. They had been sitting with the Slytherins for the past week so Harry naturally wanted to sit with his friends as well.

"Weasley. Granger." Draco said stiffly.

"Malfoy." They copied his tone of voice.

"Oi," Harry hissed, "You need to act happy and friendly." 

"Right," Ron sighed, "Hi, Malfoy!" He said in an unusual chirpy voice, "Hope you had a wonderful day!" 

He lowered his voice, "Better?" He asked seriously.

Harry snorted and fell into peals of laughter. Draco grinned and shook his head, staring at the laughing Harry from the corner of his eyes. He looked cute. Very cute.

Hermione laughed silently, her shoulders shaking. Ron blinked at the reaction but smiled when he saw Harry smiling properly after so many days.

"Erm Harry?" Came a guilty voice from behind Draco. The four turned to look at the person. The laughter died on their faces, giving way to disgust and displeasure. 

"C-Cedric?" Harry whispered. "What do you want?" He pursed his lips. 

Draco gripped his hand and squeezed tightly. Harry did the same. 

"Can I please talk to you?" Cedric pleaded. "Please?" Harry thought for a moment. 

He should say no. He should turn away because he hurt him. But he didn't, the small, stupid part of him nodded and followed Cedric out of the Hall. 

His hand slipping from Draco's, leaving an empty, cold feeling in Draco's heart. 

"What is it?" Harry said, trying to keep up a cold demeanor. 

"Harry, love." He said with a small cry. "I'm sorry. I never cheates on you."

"Stop. Don't call me that." Harry huffed, "And don't lie. I saw you with Cho. You were snogging her and you told me it was over."

"No, Harry, please listen." Cedric grabbed his wrist gently, tugging him forward, "I didn't. I promise. She gave me a love potion." 

Harry sighed and closed his eyes. "Your lies won't work on me anymore. Goodbye, Diggory." He said coldly, removing his wrist from the grip and walking back into the Great Hall. He heard the faint calls of his name which he ignored. 

He sat back down on his seat and noticed the absence of a certain blond. 

"He left?" Harry asked his friends.

Hermione nodded, "Yes, he wanted to eat dinner with his friends." 

"Oh okay." Harry nodded and turned back to his food, ignoring the painful tug at his heart and explaining to Ron and Hermione about Diggory's false claims.

On the other side of the Hall, Draco stared glumly at his plate of food. 

"What's wrong, Draco?" Blaise asked worriedly. "Nothing," Draco sighed.

"Come on, Draco." Pansy patted his arm, "You know you can tell us." 

"Harry and I are fake dating so he can take revenge on his ex, Diggory." He said, finally. 

"What?" Pansy gasped, "But you've been head over heels for Potter since years. Why did you agree to this?"

"I don't know." Draco whined, "He just looked so heartbroken and sad and upset so I couldn't help myself." 

Pansy facepalmed, "You idiot." 

"I know. Shut up."

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