The nurse kept dragging Rindou back , till he turned around and almost hit her

"Rindou don't hit women , especially the ones who try and heal you" Ran said gripping his brother's hand

"NOT MY FAULT SHE'S ANNOYING" he yelled looking at the poor woman who started to shake

"Brute , that's what you are Rin a brute" You said looking at him

He pouted snatched his hand back and went to rest his chin on your bed

You shuffled his hair , it was fluffy

Ran and Mikey were just watching as if they were the extra decor In a room

"Go back to your rooms and get some rest , you know where you find me anytime , here or home Kay?" You said with a smile

They were all silent

"(Y/n)-kun , please don't cry behind our back ... we're here if you need a shoulder to lean on" Ran said turning around to leave the room

"I will leave too then (Y/n)-chin , get some rest" Mikey said waving at you

You smiled and covered yourself with the blankets again


The next day you were released , Izana was still sleeping , the doctors said he should wake up in a few weeks

Before your left you went to him , he was so calm and his white hair was hanging silently by his head

"Such a sleeping beauty" you said with a smile "wake up soon would ya?" You couldn't wait for the moment when he would wake up and call you an idiot

Leaving the hospital , you were getting ready to go back home , the Haitani's got discharged this morning

Sanzu offered to come and pick you up , it's not like he would accept a no , so now you were waiting for Sanzu to come and pick you up

Sitting on a bench , tapping with your foot rapidly on the ground , you were bored and worried about Izana

Since you had to parents , and no guardians , you had to plan Kakucho's funeral , it was hard but you had to give him the chance to rest in peace , he deserved it after he sacrificed himself for you and Izana

Upon waiting , you heard steps around you , looking around you saw an unfamiliar face

"HI uhm..are you (Y/n)-kun by any chances?." It was a young girl , well not much younger , she had a really washed off blonde hair , almost white with a pair of blue eyes

You didn't want to get involved with her , you kept looking at your phone with a bored face

"...hey do you hear me?" She said sitting herself down next to you

You let out an annoyed 'tch' , the girl caught on you "I'm not trying to annoy you , I saw you hanging out with Haruchiyo , I know you are his friend , could we talk a bit?" She said waving a hand in front of you

You sighed and looked at her "What's your problem with Sanzu?" You asked looking at her with a frown

She seemed happy as her cheeks puffed when she smiled

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