Chapter 1

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As he was heading off to school, bunch of girls walked by his side in a car, asking him if he would want a ride.
But, he didn't even bother to reply, as one of these girls, was dating the very famous D'Angelo Balley, the guy who pushes him everyday to the lockers, Rebecca.
As he arrived school, he was already late 10 minutes for his class.
But, he and his teacher, Queeni, are in good terms, so she agreed he would enter her first class as he apologized for being late.
As he walked in, he noticed eyes were on him, but he didn't check who was looking.
As in the middle of the class, someone asked the teacher a question about the story "What if it's not the end?" as Ms. Queeni knew everything about stories, she asked if anyone had questions about any story he'd like to share.
He was shocked with a familiar voice, and a way of talking he recognized, as he looked to the other side of the class, he found Lilly, the girl whom he was dating for over than 7 years.
They met in another town, fell in love, as she was his only hope, and over the past 3 years, he never got into anything else, as he lived with his memories just not to feel lonely, just not to get broken again, as they broke up for she leaving another town, with her family.
But, he never thought he would meet her in the same town he moved to the past year, after his mother's death.
She looked at him, as she was speaking to the class, "It talks about a story, of a guy and a girl, who loved each other and broke all their promises by giving up", they used to always read this story before they sleep, 20 chapters a day.

At the back of Mello's mind: 'I was putting on a cap, so I don't actually know if she knew I was looking to her or not.'
But as they had an eye contact, he turned around, as if nothing happened,
as if he never thought that she was the love of his life.
Class finished, as they were packing their bags to head off to the cafeteria, they had a break for 45 minutes, and then going back again to studies.
As he was walking, she caught his eyes rolled over Rebbeca, and Rebecca did the same.
Lilly smiled at him, but he turned his eyes back to the floor he was walking on.
Back at his mind, he's thinking, 'I don't know what stopped me.'
As he got in the cafeteria, he wasn't talking with people that much, and he had no friends, as his dear friend, Proof got shot last year, he was the only one whom he thought he would deserve it anyway.'
Lilly went by and she said, "Hi Melly, you must have missed me?"
He answered her back, "Hey."
And she was shocked at the fact that he wasn't smiling or anything, he didn't even tell her he missed her as it has been 3 years and a half since they last talked.
She walked the other side as if she never had the guts to talk to him.
At the end of the day, Rebecca smiled at him, and he was nodding, "Be my guest."
She smiled and walked in to him, she sat beside him as silence filled the place.
"You would've answered us when we offered you something nice."
He shook his head while talking, "Thanks, besides, your boyfriend would think you girls have a crush on me."
She just smiled at him, as if she ignored what he just said.
She had a call, from Balley, telling her he would pick her up after 15 minutes.
He stayed for 10 minutes, but not until he recognized a car getting into the street, as he looked at her, "I probably should be going now."
She smiled at him, "I would like to walk with you tomorrow while getting back home."
He just nodded his head, "See you then."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2015 ⏰

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