Zhan's Birthday-1

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12:00 am

"A-Zhan happy birthday"

"Mr Xiao Zhan happy birthday"

"Happy birthday our cute bunny"

"Happy birthday Zhan Zhan.. we fans wish you a good health..may your wishes come true"

As Xiao Zhan's phone buzzed incessantly with birthday wishes pouring in from all corners, he couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and affection.

"Thank you all so much for the birthday wishes!" Zhan exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine gratitude as he scrolled through the flood of messages.

Each message, whether from a friend, fan, colleague, or family member, brought a smile to Zhan's face, warming his heart on this special day.

"Your love and support mean the world to me," Zhan replied to a particularly heartfelt message from a longtime fan, his fingers flying across the screen as he attempted to respond to each well-wisher.

As the notifications continued to stream in, Zhan couldn't help but feel humbled by the overwhelming show of affection from those who had taken the time to reach out and make his birthday a memorable one.

From heartfelt messages to thoughtful gifts, Zhan's fans never failed to make his birthday feel special. Each call was a reminder of the incredible bond he shared with his devoted fanbase, a bond that only seemed to grow stronger with time. Despite the chaos of his busy schedule and the demands of his celebrity status, Zhan always made it a point to take a moment to connect with his fans, knowing that their love and support were the driving force behind his success.

It was moments like these that reminded him why he loved what he did and why he was so grateful for the incredible journey he was on.

The annual birthday bash at Zhan's aunt's mansion was always a grand affair, eagerly anticipated by both family and friends alike. The sprawling estate provided the perfect backdrop for a night of celebration, with its lush gardens, elegant ballrooms, and opulent décor setting the stage for an unforgettable evening. Zhan's aunt spared no expense in planning the event, ensuring that every detail was meticulously attended to. From the exquisite floral arrangements to the gourmet cuisine prepared by renowned chefs, no expense was spared in creating a truly lavish experience for the guests.

As Zhan lay in bed, his thoughts drifted to Yibo and the countless memories they had shared together. With each passing year, Yibo never failed to surprise him with something unique and unexpected on his birthday, and Zhan eagerly anticipated what his beloved had in store for him this time.

From romantic getaways to heartfelt gestures, Yibo's surprises always left Zhan feeling loved and cherished. It was these moments of thoughtfulness and spontaneity that made their relationship so special, and Zhan couldn't help but smile as he imagined what Yibo had planned for him this year.

With a sense of excitement bubbling within him, Zhan couldn't wait to see what surprises awaited him on his special day. Whatever Yibo had in store, Zhan knew that it would be a celebration to remember, filled with love, laughter, and cherished moments shared between them.

As Zhan welcomed Wang Zhuocheng into his home, he couldn't shake off the slight disappointment of Yibo's absence. Nonetheless, he greeted A-Cheng with a smile, knowing that his cousin brother always had a knack for lifting his spirits.

"It's you..." Zhan remarked, his tone playful yet tinged with longing for Yibo's presence.

"Stop sulking... who are you hoping will come now! huh!!" A-Cheng teased, his smirk widening as he observed Zhan's expression.

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