flower fruit mountain <3

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An:you and mk are friends- just incase you skipped the first page! Also I apologize for the bad writing!
"Mk....why did we have to climb..?" You were out of breath from climbing the mountain

"Cause you need exercise-" Mk responded, it was a bit rude

"ARE YOU CALLING ME FAT?!" You screeched

"What- noooo,I'm just saying it's better to walk than be lazy! Plus I wanted you to me-" Mk sounded really dumb.

"Really? You of all people are saying don't be lazy?-" A rude but needed comment.

"Are you saying I'm lazy?" Mk sounded offended,but you were kinda right

"Oh..Were at the top-" you were a bit surprised but the view was beautiful

You got close to an edge to take a picture

"Hey don't fall-" Mk sounded kinda serious,for a guy like him

"Don't worry I Won't!" You reassured him,fixing the way you were standing to get the perfect picture

And you slipped,you didn't even realize it,but you did,and luckily you were caught

You looked behind you to say sorry to Mk for being clumsy but it wasn't Mk

It was that monkey King guy that tang wouldn't stop talking about unless it was to eat some more of his noodles of course.

"Are you okay?-" "are you the person mk has been talking about?"

"Wait- Mk you were talking about me?" -gasp- "were you talking smack about me?!"

"What- no no" Mk sounded like he was guilty,you didn't belive him

"Uhm,I'm still here"

You were resisting the urge to say something really stupid. (The word "daddy"popped into my keyboard, that's what I was gonna make u say but I resisted 😚)

"Hi-" you tried to sound calm,but you felt like you were sweating

"Can you put me back on the ground-"


After the monkey guy put you on the ground you had to ask "what's your name?"

"You mean like what I'm called- or my real name-"

"Real name."

"Oh sure" "sun wukong"

"So like,wukong?"

"Sure whatever-"

"HELLO?! I'm standing right hereeee" Mk cried out

"Oh sorry-"

"Sorry Mk."

Later after Mk made a big deal abt you and monkey King ignoring him

You guys had a picnic,but soon you were really tired and your head accidentally fell onto wukongs shoulder

You tried to open your eyes but you fell asleep

"Monkey king they're asleep" Mk laughed

"Oh." Wukong had been poking your head for am hour trying to wake them up

"Also,why are you-"

"Quiet,they're sleeping." Monky king sounded proud not like you could hear it though.

In the morning.....TO BE CONTINUED!

☕︎♡just My Kind Of Coffee♡☕︎ sun wukong x reader Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora