Young Love - [B.B x Reader]

Start from the beginning

"May I have a dance with you, Lady Y/L/N?" Benedict held out his hand for you take and you took it, a little too eagerly. He placed his hands onto your waist and you both swayed to the music.

You had never been so close to him, his stance had changed, and his face had matured, and suddenly you were hit with every emotion at once. Your mouth opened in shock and Benedict had to hold you from falling slightly.

"Is everything alright?" He said softly, he looked so concerned and so in thralled in you.

"Y-Yes, I just think I need some fresh air is all." You left Benedict's side and made your way to the back garden of the London house. You moved over to the swing set that was usually frequented by yourself, Benedict or Eloise.

You had known he was following you as you fell onto the swing set. Practically holding on for dear life. You had assumed it was all because he was leaving, you couldn't deal with him not being near you.

"Is it something I have done? Have I offended you in some way?" Benedict chimed. You looked up quickly and saw him standing there, his hands in his pockets. God, you thought.

"No, Benedict, well yes but no." You placed your hands into your head and sighed, "I think I am going to miss you terribly."

He sighed and joined you on the next swing, taking your hand in his, "I won't be gone forever, I'll be back every holiday. Plus, you can write to me, and I will always respond."

"But you will be surrounded by people your age and well, what if you forget of me?" You knew that you sounded silly, but you didn't realise you had been quite this insecure.

Benedict chuckled, "Do you honestly think I could forget you?"

You shook your head.

"Exactly." He squeezed your hand with his own, "I would never dream to."

2 Years Later

You were now eighteen and Benedict twenty.

It was your first season on the marriage mart, and you were nervous to say the least.

"What if they don't like me, Mama?" You looked at yourself, all dressed in white and gold, with one long piece of hair over one side of your neck.

"They will love you." She gave you a reassuring pat on your shoulders. You were, however, still very unsure.

You were now at the opening ball of the season, held by Lady Danbury, she always knew how to pull off any amazing spectacle for the new marital season. You walked in and instantly you felt several eyes on you.

"Remember, best behaviour Y/N."

"Yes, Mama."

"We must secure you a match this season." She then left you to go stand with the other eager Mama's, like a lamb for slaughter.

You had been approached by many young gentlemen throughout the night, but not your gentleman. You hadn't seen Benedict, perhaps he was hiding from the ambitious Mama's of the ton.

"May I take this dance?"

You checked your dance card and looked up at the man. He was young, handsome, blonde haired and blue eyed. He was the picture of perfection, at least to society's standards.

"Lord Ruffalo?" You said and he nodded, confirming that it was him. He held your waist delicately and as you danced, he told many jokes which made you fully laugh out loud – scandalous, you thought.

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