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Author's POV
Deku and Koko scan the competition, looking at everyone, trying to figure out what their quirks are, just from their physical appearances.

"No one seems nervous, are we the only ones?" Deku asks as Koko shrugs.

"I don't know but I have one question" Koko says as Deku looks at her, "why does that guy's hair look like a traffic cone?".

Koko and Deku tilt their heads to the side as they squint, trying to make out if it's a hat, a wig, or the actual hair on his head.

"Oh, it's the girl from earlier" Deku says as he turns Koko's head towards the girl.

The two step forwards when they are both grabbed by one shoulder each. The two jump and turn around to see the dark blue haired boy stood over them. He's tall, well built, wearing glasses, his hair slicked back. His aura is calm, but he seems serious.

"It seems as though that girl is preparing her mind for the trials ahead, so what are the two of you going to do? Are you going to distract her and ruin her chance to succeed?" the boy says as Koko chuckles.

"And what are you doing?" she asks as she nudges her shoulder.

"What do you mean?" he asks as he removes his hand from Koko and Deku's shoulders.

"You're distracting me by talking to me, ruining my chances to succeed" Koko says as the boy is taken aback, "stay out of my way in the arena".

"And... go!" Present Mic shouts as Deku looks at him, "there are no countdowns in real fights, you should be prepared to go at all times, you get me?".

Deku looks at where Koko was stood but she is no longer there. Deku looks and sees Koko running into the arena alongside the rest of the examinees.

"Sorry Deku!" Koko shouts as she continues to run inside.

Deku runs around the arena, trying to find where Koko has run off to. He runs around the corner and sees the light brown haired girl from earlier levitate a bunch of robots then releasing them, sending them plummeting to the ground whilst the dark haired boy uses his legs to kick through the robots at an incredible speed. He looks and sees Koko tie a bunch of robots up with her vines and then use her telekinesis to break them down from the inside.

"Okay, that should be sixty points" Koko says as she sees Deku, "Deku, hey!" she says as she runs over, "have you got any points yet?".

"No, I'm helpless, I don't know what to do" he says as Koko smiles.

"It's okay, I'll help you, let's go this way" she says as she grabs his wrist, pulling him with her.

They're about to turn a corner when one of the zero point villains comes around the corner. Koko and Deku slowly step backwards as everyone around them starts to run.

"That's a zero point villain. Why is it so huge?" Deku asks as Koko looks at everyone running.

"Cowards" she says under her breath.

Koko creates roots around the villains legs and it is about to fall over on top of them.

"Shit" Koko says as Deku jumps upwards.

His legs break mid jump and he punches the villain, sending the villain falling backwards. Koko stands there as the impact of the landing makes her stumble backwards. She sees that Deku's body is nearly completely broken. Deku starts to plummet to the ground as Koko wonders what to do.

"Can you get me up there?" the brown haired girl asks as Koko nods.

Koko wraps the girl in her vines and sends her upwards. The girl manages to slap Deku as he slowly starts to fall to the ground. Koko grabs Deku as the girl releases him, the two falling to the ground. Koko lets go of the girl as the girl runs off to be sick.

"There's still enough time to get another point" Deku says as he crawls off of Koko and tries to make it to a robot that comes around the corner.

"And that's it, times up!" Present Mic shouts as Koko looks as the robot shuts down.

Deku collapses as Koko goes to him. Koko sighs as she wipes the blood from Deku's nose since he pretty much face planted on the ground.

"Ah yes, you all did amazing, you're all heroes in my eyes. Here, have some gummies" an old lady says as she passes a young boy some gummies.

"Uh, thank you" he says as he bows to her.

"Oh dear, it's as if his quirk doesn't agree with his body" she says as she kisses Deku's cheek.

Koko watches in horror, shock and amazement as the woman's kiss heals all of Deku's breaks.

"Who is that?" a young boy asks as the old woman looks around at the other students.

"That's the school's nurse, Recovery Girl. She is the only reason why U.A. high school is able to hold these worrisome events without getting scolded for it" a young boy with blonde hair and a white and gold belt around waist says as Koko picks Deku up and carries him out of the arena.

--- after the exam ---

Deku is getting his results. Deku tells himself not to expect much.

"Now here is a clip we would like to show you. You have not just made an impact on the teachers, but an impact on those around you as well" All Might says as Deku looks at the projection.

"Please sir, I'm sorry to bother you after the exam but I have a question. It's about my friend, Izuku Midoriya. I know he didn't end up getting any points in the end, but please, please give him my points. I don't need mine because I already go in because of recommendations, but Izuku, he deserves a place in U.A. high school more than anyone else. He has worked hard since I've known him, recording every little detail about quirks, helping me improve my own, and he smiles every time, even when people beat him down and tell him he can't be a hero. Please, please allow me to give him my points" Koko begs Present Mic as the video pauses.

"Now, that is a friend. But it wouldn't be very heroic of us if we were to turn away someone who helped a friend in need. During the exam, one of Young Kokoro's attacks didn't go the way she planned it, but you stepped in and backed her up. That is a true hero. That is why we have extra points called rescue points" All Might says as Deku's face lights up, "Yagami Kokoro, 40 rescue points, Izuku Midoriya, 60 rescue points" All Might says as tears fall down Deku's face, "welcome, Young Midoriya, to the hero academia".

Deku slumps down in his chair as the projection stops. Deku jumps up from his seat and runs to his mother.

"Izuku?" his mother asks as she stands up from the sofa.

"I got in!" Deku yells as his mother engulfs him in a hug.

"You got in! My baby, well done. You worked so hard!" his mother says as she kisses his cheek.

"I have to go tell Koko!" Deku says as his mother nods.

"Go get her and we'll go out for dinner to celebrate" his mother says as Deku nods, running to the front door.

He opens the door and Koko tackles him into a hug.

"I heard all the screams so it can only mean one thing" Koko says as he smiles.

"We're both officially U.A. students!" Deku shouts as they get up.

"Yay!" Koko says as the both of them jump up and down.

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