thirteen. fine line

Start from the beginning

Nina stands up, dusting the dust from her knees. "Your web fluid is technically a weapon, right?"

Peter struggles to breathe properly at the close proximity and tries to ignore the sirens ringing in his brain. "Yeah I guess? I mean, I use it as an assault weapon at times."

What happens next both equally terrifies and makes his brain mushy even further. Due to his dialed senses, he picks up Nina's soft voice whispering "web fluid" and almost instantly, the solution appears on her nimble fingers, all with the proper container and everything.

"That's so... wow. Thanks," he breathed out, taking the bottle from her fingers.

"You're welcome, Spider-Boy." The low timbre of her voice made him pause, and he sucked in a shuddering breath. Chest heaving, Peter dragged his gaze to the girl's face for the first time and was met with familiar brown eyes and pillowy lips.

Peter thinks he's losing his mind.

"How come you've been abnormally nice to me lately?" The boy stutters out, brain uttering a delayed reaction of electric shocks running through his body when his fingers brushes against hers.

"What do you mean?"

"You just seem nicer than usual," Peter mumbles, ears beginning to grow a dark shade of red.

"I'll punch you in the face is thats what you want?" Nina raises an amused brow. Peter doesn't fail to notice her once steady heartbeat slowly growing faster as each second passes.

Hearing her heartbeat in his proximity is always the push he needs.

"What I want," Peter counters back with a rush of sudden confidence, "Is for us to talk about—"

"No." The girl shoots before he could even finish his sentence.

Peter steeled his jaw, searching Nina's eyes, wishing she would just listen to him. That fifteen minute mandatory break wasn't going to last forever.

"We need to—"

"—no." she said, shoving past him to leave. He blocked her way, catching up with her.

"Why do you keep running away, Nina?" Peter argued back, "What's so wrong about liking me? You're acting like you killed someone when we just kissed." He was upset with her, obviously. His words cut deep, like a sharp knife thrust into her flesh.

Nina snorted rudely, staring at him as though he had lost his mind. "Because I'm not supposed to, Peter!"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Peter hissed in annoyance, now way closer to the girl. Nina was reminded, suddenly, of how intimidating he could he when he's pissed.

"It means that I tried staying away but I can't." Nina shoots at him, shoving his hand down. "No matter how hard you try, you can't hide. No matter how much you duck and run, I would be able to pull you out of a bustling crowd. No matter how much I distract myself with people you're still in my head. No matter how hard you try to keep your head down and blend with other people, you don't. You stand out like a goddamn star. That's what irks me the most."

The first thing Nina feels after her inner monologue is relief. Then, that relief quickly gets replaced with overwhelming anxiety.

In that moment, staring into her burning brown eyes, Peter entirely forgot how to breathe. He stared at her, blinking once, twice, his lips subtly parting as he registered her words. His mouth worked, but at first no sound came out. When he finally spoke, his voice was barely audible. "... What?"

Nina let out a short, pathetic bubble of laughter. It wasn't a comical sound by any stretch of the imagination. "I like you. Is that what you wanna hear? I like you, Parker. You happy now?"

Peter froze, staring at her with widening eyes. She watched as the hard line of his jaw slackened, his wonky brow softening even further, his hands steadily unclenching at his side. It almost looks like... relief.

"Fifteen minutes are over!" Tony yells over somewhere - he was way too far for Nina to know where exactly he stood.

Nina turns and leaves. Stupid. Stupid stupid stupid stupid. Stupid. You're so fucking stupid jesus christ what the hell is wrong with you you dumb—


Peter softly grabs her wrist, forcing the girl to look at him just in time before she could yell a harsh, "What? You gonna laugh how pathetic I am? Or is your ego stroked now that you know that Nina Viotto likes you back despite the fact that you hate my guts and—"

They glared at each other, heaving breaths hard and sharp as they mingled in the air.

It was irresistible. She was irresistible.

And then, suddenly, his mouth was on hers.

Nina was tense, frozen, not responding to her lips on his for a painfully long few seconds. And just when Peter was ready to pull away, march out the field, and never look back until Nina's hands hit the rock on either side of Peter's hips as she responded with a scrape of teeth across the superhero's. Nina crowded into him, pouring out her frustration into the contact of lips brushed against lips, her heart thundering so loudly in his throat. Peter could feel it.

This was the second time he was kissing her, and somehow, it still didn't feel real.

She was kissing him back. Hard.

They kissed like they were going to war (they technically were, but still), heads tilting to get closer, pressing in so far they hit teeth. Nina dug her nails into Peter's shoulders, pulling him in harder, then wound a hand up into his hair to make sure he would stay there.

When Peter pulls back from the kiss, he's still glaring at Nina but there's less annoyance to it.

"So there," Peter says a bit breathlessly. "That's what I think about you. You have no idea how long I've wanted to hear that."

With that, he turns on his heels and swings towards his designated area, leaving behind a very confused-looking Nina.


sorry for the short chapters :( next ones r gonna be longer i promise!

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