008; he's a good kisser

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"Many people have told me." Daniel raised his eyebrows, "but that boy needs some chapstick."

"No I don't." Corbyn frowned.

"It's Zach that needs chapstick." Jack gestured towards the boy in the corner as he looked up from his food with an offended frown on his face.

"What the fuck?" Zach threw his hands up, "you guys are assholes."

"Corbyn doesn't need chapstick." Rosemary said, grabbing Corbyn's chin and turning his head towards her while his eyebrows were furrowed, staring at the girl who was observing his lips.

"Rosemary." Corbyn spoke up with a small smile, "...what are you doing?"

"Do you want some chapstick?" She asked him in a whisper, reaching down to her bag as his smile fell and he looked at the four guys holding back their laughter.

"She agrees." Daniel laughed.

"I have different flavours." She glanced to him, opening up her smaller bag of essentials as she had suddenly reached the interest of all five.

"Like what?" Jack stood up and walked over to the pair.

"Cherry, vanilla, strawberry, bubblegum, banana, tropical." The girl listed as she held them up in her hand, "you can have one if you want one."

"Actually?" Jack smiled.

"I have spares at home."

"Of course you do." Corbyn nodded.

"I want the cherry." Zach raised his hand from the corner, "throw me the cherry Jack."

"The banana sounds nice." Jonah nodded, "I'll have the banana."

"..why are you all suddenly so interested in having chapstick?" Corbyn asked them all.

"Because she has cool flavours." Daniel walked over to them as he grabbed the banana flavour for Jonah and the bubblegum for himself.

"Which one do you want?" The girl turned herself towards Corbyn as he let out a sigh while staring at the three left.

"I'll have the strawberry." He said in the process of taking it from the palm of her hand.

"That's my favourite." Rosemary replied, glancing between her hand and the chapstick he had just taken from him while he shrugged.

"I know." He glanced at her with a small smile, "but at least you get to keep the vanilla, your second favourite."

"True," she nodded and smiled, placing the remaining two back in her bag and looking back up at the five boys, four of them in the middle of applying chapstick to their lips while Corbyn sat there laughing at them.

"Idiots." He mumbled and shook his head, turning himself back to his laptop screen.

"Mine is tinted." Zach looked up from his phone camera, a shade of red appearing on his lips while three of his band mates burst into laughter, "now I look like i'm wearing lipstick."

"It suits you." Rosemary replied with a smile.

"I know but it wasn't really what I was aiming for." He sighed, "it tastes nice though."

"You're not supposed to eat it." Jack looked at him.

"I'm not!" Zach frowned, "I licked my lips and I can taste cherry, I didn't just bite the chapstick."

"...Can we plan your next date?" Jonah spoke up, staring at the boy and girl sat by Corbyn's laptop as they all looked over to him.

"We already planned one." Corbyn replied.

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