Chapter 02

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Phillip would soon make it to the front doors of the school, proceeding to head inside. He gave the inside of the school a quick view before heading up the stairs and towards his locker. Before he could even get to his locker, a voice stopped him.

"Well, Well, Well. Look at who it is." A recognizable screechy voice began. "Ay, Frenchie!" It was Eric Cartman, a plus sized boy who's uttered a toxic personality throughout his entire life. He bullied and tormented Philip for as long as he could remember. "Eric, I've told you that I do not like being called that Nickname." Phillip said with a stern voice, glaring at him.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Go stuff a Croissant up your European asshole, why don't you? Haha!" Eric laughed. "I'm not French, you brute!" Phillip spat back. At this point, multiple students had seen what had gone down. But before anything else could proceed, the bell had rung. Students began heading to their designated classes for homeroom.

The last student to walk in was an unfamiliar face to Philip. Alas, in his mind thought about how this could be a great opportunity to make a new friend.  "Alright, Everyone," Mr. Garrison began. "Today we will be having a new student! Be sure to be welcoming towards him." He'd continue. "Uh, What is your name again?" "Damien." He stated, rolling his eyes. "And where are you from, Damien?" Mr. Garrison asked him.

Damien would clear his voice. ".. The seventh layer of Hell." He responded. Mr. Garrison stood there, in silence. "Alright Damien, Please go have a seat next to the blonde French kid in the back." Mr. Garrison stated, pointing over at Phillip's desk. Phillip would pop his head up, Linking eyes with Damien's. He watched as Damien made his way to the empty desk besides Phillip's.

Phillip took a glance at Damien's appearance. He seemed to be around Phillip's own age, being approximately 16 or 17. He had black, short hair, with dark brown eyes that glistened. His skin was pale. His complex remained slim with some muscle. He wore a black turtle-neck, as well as black jeans and red converse high-tops. He seemed short for his age.

As Damien took his seat, Phillip could immediately recognize who Damien was. He was the boy who had accidentally ran into Phillip. He cringed silently, Remembering the Incident. Mr. Garrison would soon begin his lesson on "The English Civil War". For the remainder of the class, The two didn't make eye contact and would make the effort of paying attention to the lesson. Phillip would make a few quick glances at Damien. 

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