Chapter 1

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Shao Fei's POV

Shao Fei woke up to his phone alarm. He slightly groaned and stretched his stiff body. His mom called from downstairs saying, "SHAO FEI, WAKE UP. YOU DON'T WANT TO BE LATE, DO YOU?" He jumped out of bed, put on a t-shirt, jeans, black jean jacket, and his special necklace.

This necklace was like his lucky charm. At the end was his father's ring that his mom bought him on their one-year anniversary. He would always wear it everywhere, but he would feel guilty when doing it because somewhere in his mind, he keeps telling himself that it was not rightfully his.

His dad died in a car accident almost 6 years ago by a drunk driver while driving home from work. It was late at night when his mom received a call about what happened. She was devastated and ended up having to go through 3 years of therapy after that.

When Shao Fei became a freshman, his mom sat him down to talk to him. She gave him the necklace and said "I want you to have this. Your father would've wanted you to have it. I gave it to him because he was my special someone. Shao Fei, I want you to promise me something. If you do find your own special someone, you should give it to them. Ok? Make sure that the person is truly someone special to you."

At first, he was resilient for keeping the necklace.  He didn't want to take any of his dad's things especially something as special as this. But after some convincing he kept it with him and promised her if he did find one, he would give it to them. He was so lost in thought that he lost track of time and when he looked at his phone, he quickly grabbed his backpack and ran downstairs.

His mom called out "Wait, don't you want some breakfast?" His mom had a couple of breakfast sandwiches with eggs, sausages, cheese, lettuce, and tomatoes. "I'll just take them to go mom." He grabbed them, kissed his mom on the cheek and ran out the door. 

He started walking to the corner of the street where he would always meet his best friend before school, Zhao Zi. He saw him standing next to the stop sign and waved. He waved back but stopped when he saw the sandwiches. 

"Are those your mom's breakfast sandwiches? Can I have one? PLEEEEEASE?" Zhao Zi begged

Shao Fei rolled his eyes at his friend. He was always such a food lover, and he especially liked his mom's cooking. He especially liked her desserts such as her famous strawberry mochi So, he gave him one and Zhao Zi immediately took a large bite out of it.

"Tell your mom that she makes the best food" he said, his voice muffled because his mouth was full.

"You need to chew and swallow firstly. Secondly, she already knows that you like her cooking. You tell her all the time." Zhao Zi is also a frequent guest at his house for his mom's cooking.

"Come on. we're going to be late." Shao Fei grabbed Zhao Zi's arm and pulled him along while they walked to school.

When they arrived, they already saw the group of students huddling around the most popular student in the whole school, Tang Yi. Tang Yi's father was the owner of the biggest business, Hsin Tien Corporation. Many people were aware of who his father was, so people would admire and praise him, but also were smart as to not mess with him.

Tang Yi was the rich, straight A, handsome, perfect student that many students wanted to be with whether it was a guy or a girl. Students have already seen him in many relationships with both, but they all seem to end as quickly as they started.

Many people would just brush it off as them just not working out or not being right for each other. Even some saying he was just a playboy with no feelings, but Shao Fei had a feeling that there was more to it. There must have been more details that were hidden instead of just "not working out".

He continued to stare at Tang Yi who was sitting, reading through a math book with headphones on completely ignoring his surroundings. Shao Fei admittedly has had a crush on him since freshmen year, but he was too nervous to confess his feelings. He thought of Tang Yi as a beautiful and rare flower that was way out of his reach.

He kept starring at him admiring his beauty from afar until Zhao Zi snapped him out of his daydream. "You're staring at him again. Be careful, he may think of you as a stalker you know." Shao Fei punched him in the arm.

"OW. Ok, I'm sorry, but still, it's true though. He could think of you as just another crazy fan of his."

Zhao Zi was the only person who knew his feelings for Tang Yi. He was very supportive of him. Shao Fei was nervous to tell him that he had a crush on a guy, but Zhao Zi said it doesn't matter the gender, the only thing that matters are your feelings.  He's tried to convince him to go up to him and tell him how he feels, but he's scared of being rejected and possibly being embarrassed in front of the whole school.

"Let's just get to class. I don't want to deal with Ms. Luna's lectures if I'm late."

(A/N Ms. Luna is the strict Algebra teacher that I just made up)

So, they quickly entered the school building and walked to class.

Ok, so Chapter 1 is finished. I hoped you enjoyed reading it. Let me know your opinion about it. Again, if there are any mistakes, please let me know. This book is going to be long because there are so many things that I want to add so stay tuned and have a great day. 

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