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  Her and Ida walked behind the three girls just slightly, in silence, they loved just being able to walk while they drowned out whatever silly conversation was going on. As the girls walked out on the courtyards they could spot already long lines waiting for carriages as Professor McGonagall tried keep everyone together in an orderly fashion. The girls stood in line, Maisie complained that it was somehow Mila's fault for the amount of kids waiting to go down to the town. "Hey Serenity, what do you think of Peter Williams?" Ruby asked staring off at a guy in the distances, joking around with others. His hair was a dark brown, his eyes a rust. Serenity looked at him skeptically, "Well he's a year ahead of us, 6th year, doubt he'd notice you. He's not all that either, more on the goody two shoes side, heard he's nice though, just don't know why you'd be into him when there's people like Sirius Black," Ruby groaned beside her, "Will you shut up about your million thousand year crush, and listen to what I say, it would mean a lot," Serenity was thrown aback by her spite, "I was just saying what the student body says, you take things too literally."

  Serenity's attention got taken away by the three boys throwing snow around at each other, making them a damp mess. Serenity pointed at the long raven haired boy, "You guys can't tell me he's not attractive," Ida must've been feeling brave to pipe up into the conversation, "Well I think we're just annoyed because you've based a 3 year long crush on looks of some guy you've talked to 3 times. How do we know if he even knows your name?" Serenity glared at her while Mila was just trying not to burst out giggling.

  They finally reached the end of the line as Professor McGonagall rushed the girls inside a carriage, Mila took a quick sweep of the crowd before she found a pair of eyes looking at her, they attached to a head of messy brown hair as the boy was seated on a bench, a book set on his lap. Remus smiled to her quickly, she returned to the smile as he went back to his book and she went back behind shoved into the compartment.

  Serenity had decided to ignore Ida for the rest of the trip, naturally the two bestfriends dethatched themselves from the group wandering off. Of course, since the mostly social aspect point of this trip was now taken away, they girls decided to hit up the Three Broomsticks, grabbing a quick eat as they left towards Honey Dukes. Ida walked with a small take to go sandwich in her hands, her gloves pulled off even though her hands her freezing. Mila walked beside her, hands in her jeans. She decided to go light on the clothing, jeans and a plain gray long sleeve, she wanted to feel the cold touch of the last fall of snow. For the rest of the next two months it would still be chilly, but it would soon be spring until everyone would be stressed studying, she wanted to enjoy the winter air.

  They finally opened the door to the sweet shop, they heard the trigger of the bell ring over their heads. The shop was mostly filled with 3rd and 4th years, yearning to heal their sweet tooth, which is what the two girls were also there for.

  Mila strided along side her friend to a shelf as Ida bent down looking for the best box of 'Bertie Botts every flavor beans' she watched as Iddy's coyly hair fell around her face, lining her fingers along the colored cardboard before pulling on out, presenting it to Mila, "Ta-da!" Ida said proudly.

  "Iddy you know I hate those beans," Mila sighed. "I know, I know, but you only hate them because you always decide to grab the worst flavors, I only have enough money for these so we're getting them!" she announced, Mila knew she couldn't change her mind on settling for something simpler and less expensive, but she knew she wouldn't budge.

  They got to the counter, the man behind it eyed them carefully. "Why hello ladies, what would you like today?" he asked slyly, Mila couldn't help but feel a bit off about him. "We'd like to purchase these please!" Ida requested, oblivious to how the man was now eyeing them, he seemed to be no more than in his early 20s. She watched out of the corner of her eye as he struggled to scan the item as his eyes wandered to her chest when she realized she was only wearing one layer. She crossed her arms and adjusted her scarf, guarding herself as she whispered to Ida, "You sure you want those?" Ida scoffed as she dug threw her many pockets looking for the sickles she brought along, "You're so difficult, yes I'm sure," Mila pursed her lips, "I'm gonna go wait outside."

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