Chapter 1- The Wendigo

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The avengers find out about a creature only thought to exist in folk tale, to be eating villagers in a fairly normal looking town in Canada. To their disgust they find the wendigo mid hunt so the scene they come upon is not for the faint of heart- a creature ripping apart bone and muscle, eating a mans organs, and leaving little behind of the poor man. The creature turns to face them, it crawls over to them sniffing them with its non existent bone nose and looking at them with its empty eye sockets before running off. The avengers track down the creature to a small stream in the forest. They see the wendigo jump into the water but it doesn't come up, the avengers wait for it to resurface instead when light hits the water a young girl sprouts from the river. They stay hidden from her. She hums as she cleans herself of all the blood covering her, then she walks behind the water fall and comes out a few minutes later in a different set of clothes. She continues to hum the same tune and walks out of the forest as if nothing happened.

The girl goes on with her day either not realising or caring the avengers are watching. A couple days pass and she doesn't transform again so the team think what they saw wrong or maybe a coincidence . Until the night when it's Tony's turn to watch her, she hops out of her bedroom window and walks singing into the forest. He finds her back at the river, where she undresses. A small creature forms from her shoulder and they nuzzle, "I know I know, I bet your hungry. I've got us a date so we're gonna be eating well tonight. And we don't have to worry about someone being worried about him missing, no family and a criminal record for two accounts of sexual assault."

The creature coos and covers her body until all that's left is the skinny creature with a deer skull and fangs. Her body now has no gender, it's covered in thin fur, and her limbs are elongated, her skin even became an odd grey colour. With that she speeds off to their date. The guy didn't even have a chance to run or scream as she sliced his vocal cords making sure he couldn't alert anyone, then she slices open his stomach and digs into her meal. As she starts to eat the skull retracts and her face can be seen but it doesn't look quite the same. Her face wasn't a natural skin tone, instead it was grey and murky, her eyes were yellow and had a glow to them, her teeth weren't like a persons they were like a predators; sharp and could easily crush bones , her nails long and sharp. Perfect for slicing and tearing skin. She opened her mouth and gladly ate the man's heart, smiling throughout. Once she finished she made her way back to the river and cleaned herself off again, singing in the bloody water as if she was the most innocent creature around.

Word count: 527

A god and his wendigoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora