Distant | Arthur Shelby

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'Distant | Arthur Shelby'

'Distant | Arthur Shelby'

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"You tryna kill me?" The same brother's deep voice booms, questioning Lilliput, gently stroking her face in a downwards motion, laughing at how the horse had just ran at him.

But unlike any other man, Mr Shelby stayed. Unlike any other man, Mr Shelby didn't run from the charging horse, didn't show any sign of fear when it rose onto its back legs, preventing itself from crashing into him. Instead, unlike any other man, Mr Shelby watched intently, mesmerised by the horse. My horse. My horse who's gingerbread coating, shines underneath the sun that beats down onto our campsite, along with the neighbouring camp of the Lee's. My horse who's eyes seem to understand those it looks into.

"I'm terribly sorry Mr Shelby, ya see she-" I start to apologise frantically, standing behind his lean figure only to be interrupted.

"What's her name?" The oldest Shelby nods towards the horse, sparing a moment to meet my eyes.

"Lilliput." I involuntarily whisper, loud enough to hear but soft enough to send someone to sleep.

Mr Shelby says nothing in return, instead he keeps his glistening yet empty eyes focused upon the beauty in front of him, one hand in the pocket of his trousers, the other caressing the animals's face.

"You've gotta be mad to have just stood there." I politely and somewhat regrettably joke, letting out a sigh of relief as the Peaky Blinder didn't seem phased by the horses outburst nor my comment.

Rather than a smirk I receive a smile, bright eyes and dimples hiding within the shadows cast by his cap.

"Mr Shelby." Pa calls across the field, causing the man infront of me to snap his head round as I turn mine too. Once realising it was my father who called his name, Mr Shelby turns to me one last time, taking his attention completely away from the horse and dips his cap along with what I think was a wink. I smile shyly, fiddling with my hands as he abruptly turns into the direction of Pop.

"Vinnie." Mr Shelby beams, arms open wide while strutting towards my father.

When reaching him they handshake in a friendly manner before strolling off in the opposite direction, engaged in a conversation.

I, however, am left stood in the same spot, slightly bewildered by the man's ability to calm and intimidate a horse as tall and majestic as mine. Slightly bewildered at how someone so rough looking, seems so gentle. Slightly bewildered at how someone with as bad as a reputation of a Shelby seems so familiar but then again so........


|| Time Skip ||


After her outburst with Mr Shelby I thought it was in interest of everyone's safety to put Lilliput into the barn that somehow is still standing upon the land of our camp; inside are a few stables and a rundown caravan which is in the midst of being fixed. I've come to realise that now that Lilliput's in her later stages of pregnancy she has become more agitated and on edge, all will be well again when she has her foal beside her.

Now the sky has darkened, the fire has gained a few more people for company including most of the Harrison Clan which much to my disliking my older brothers, Reggie and Danny, are in.

I, unlike everyone else, have remained in the stables, on the other side of Lilliput's gate, her head hanging over the top.

"You didn't mean to almost crash into Mr Shelby, did you Lilliput?" I softly enquire, gently stroking her, our faces close, my y/h/c hair gently rustling in the wind and falling down my back. She nudges her head into the palm of my hand.

"I didn't think so." I whisper.

I lean on my hands and continue to look up at her, I feel a presence behind me but I'm guessing it's just Rory, or Cowboy as he is nicknamed, considering he's always in the stables.

Wrinkled and calloused, a hand reaches in front of me and strokes Lilliput's face, a thick gold pinky ring and the rough texture makes me realise I don't actually recognise this hand, nor can I assign it to anyone. It dawns on me that whoever it is must be extremely close to me right now and I freeze, not knowing whether to turn around.

"Thought I'd come say goodbye to her." A raspy voice I recognise as Mr Shelby's gently greets my ears in a relaxing tone, too loud to be a whisper but too quiet to be anything else. Another hand I recognise as Mr Shelby's is placed soothingly on the small of my back, something in his hand.

We continue in silence, apart from Lilliput grunting now and then, however a comfortable silence, a refreshing one.

"Have you got a name or is it only the horse that gets one?" He teases breaking the quietness, his mouth close to my ear.

"Y/n." I say, slowly turning my head to face him, I almost jump back when realising how close in fact we are.

I realise Mr Shelby's cap is off, his hair shaven at the sides, the long strands on the top slicked back, the same shade reoccurring in the neat moustache that rests above his lips.

"That's pretty." He raises his eyebrows.

"Ma picked it." I say, taking my gaze from the man and back to Lilliput.

"That don't surprise me, I can't imagine Vinnie comin' up with somethin' as nice as that."

I softly chuckle at his honesty, it's true my father is known as quite a tough and harsh man, to others anyway but not to his family.

"And I suppose your real name isn't Mr Shelby?" I slightly grin.

"Course not, luv."  He laughs while speaking, louder than the volume of our conversation, adjusting himself so that he's leaning on his side against the fence of Lilliput's compartment, his hand now on the side of my waist rather than my back. An elbow cocked up on the top of the wooden fencing.

"Ere the Misses wants to know if your staying for a bit of grub?" My father bellows into the stables, almost startling me.

"Nah it's alright, I better be on me way soon." Mr Shelby replies loudly, his stare still lingering on me.

"Alright, Y/n, Ma wants ya help with Ted, he's upset over somethin' don't ask me what I wasn't listenin'." Pa admits, his head still peering around the barn entrance.

"Alright." I sigh contently, my eyes meeting Mr Shelby's as I see him stroke the horse one last time before adjusting his peaky cap onto his head, the glimmer of silver catching the light ever so slightly.

"Somethin' tells me I'll be seeing ya again Y/n," he pauses leaning closer to my ear, a hand on either side of my waist, my back to his chest, butterflies erupting in my stomach at his touch. "But until then sweetheart, look after yaself."

And with that he slowly removes his hands and starts to walk away, before I can help myself I call after him.

"So what is it then?" I yell remembering he never answered my question, slightly rising on my tips toes as if it will make him stay longer.

"What's what?" He shouts back, not turning around and keeping the same speed.

"Your name."

"Arthur, luv, me names Arthur."



My fanfic 'Balance' is the book I have written continuing this so please feel free to go read it once it is released! :) please comment and let me know if you have anything I should change or if there are any mistakes.

Don't forget to write your requests!!

𝐏𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐲 𝐁𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬 | 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒Where stories live. Discover now