"She moved abroad for work when I was really young, humanitarian work or something. I don't see her anymore" Olivia whispered.

Miguel could tell she was upset on the matter so turned to lay on his side facing the girl. "Hey, she's a shitty person if she chose that over you and she's really missing out by not having you in her life". Miguel said as he wiped the stray tear from Olivia's cheek as she nodded silently. Wanting to change the subject, Miguel suggested they invite Eli and Demetri over for a movie night since Johnny wasn't home.

"Yeah, okay" Olivia smiled "I'll text them".

Binary Brothers + Liv + Miguel:

Liv: movie night at mine?

Eli: Sure, when?

Liv: Now?

D: Can we watch Star Wars?

Liv: .... ok

D: omw

Eli: ^^

Mig: someone bring popcorn pls

Liv: and chocolate pls

D: maybe, dunno

Liv: 😬🖕🏻

D: well now no chocolate

Liv: Sorry, I meant to say *💛💛

Eli and Demetri were quick to arrive together. "Wow I feel honored to finally see where you live Liv" Demetri said sarcastically "How long have we been best friends again? 7 years if I stand correct."

"Yeah yeah yeah, I know, but can you guys really blame me now that you've met my dad?" Olivia laughed as Eli and Demetri grimaced.

"Hey Mete, help me set up the movie" Miguel asked and pulled him towards the couch.

Olivia rolled her eyes as she looked towards Eli who was still stood by the door. "He's about as subtle as a sledgehammer" Olivia chuckled. "Hey" she smiled at the boy.

"Hey Sunshine" Eli grinned and placed his hands on her waist, pulling her in for a quick kiss. Their kiss was broken apart by Demetri "Still not used to this!" Demetri called over pointing between the two making the other three burst into laughter.

Olivia and Eli prepared the snacks in the kitchen and brought them back out to the other two boys who had already situated themselves on one side of the couch, not leaving much room for the other two. Eli and Olivia placed the snacks on the floor and sat down on the couch. "OK, I know I said Star Wars but Miguel over here has convinced me that we should watch a scary movie." Demetri said as he pointed the remote at the screen. Olivia snapped her head toward the boy. "You're kidding me right? I don't do scary" she whined.

"Please Liv" Miguel pouted. Olivia rolled her eyes "Fine. But I'm not happy about it" She sighed; Miguel beamed in return and turned the lights off in the room, making Olivia squeal. "The movie hasn't even started yet" Eli laughed and pulled Olivia closer toward him placing her legs over his, Olivia rested her head down onto his chest. She spent the movie with her head nuzzled down in his chest whilst he played absentmindedly with locks of her hair.  Olivia looked around at the boys around her. In this moment, Olivia wasn't plagued by the thoughts of her mother, or worrying about her brother; she was surrounded by her three best friends and it was perfect.


The next day, Olivia stood by the fence of a skate park that she knew Robby frequented often on the weekends. He still hadn't been answering her messages and she was needing to get down to the bottom of it. She'd been waiting for an hour and was just about to give up when she saw Robby skate over to the park. "ROBBY SWAYZE KEENE" She yelled as she stormed up towards him. When Robby saw his sister he almost looked panicked but then relaxed his face into a slight frown. "What are you doing here Liv?" He sighed.

Olivia (A Cobra Kai Story)Where stories live. Discover now