In faith hands now...

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Yugi and his friends were at graduation

''I cant believe this is happening guys! its ben so long!'' Yugi exclaimed. ''Its certainty ben a long way but were finally graduating!'' Joey said. ''So Joey your just going to play a children's card game for the rest of your life?'' Tristan teased. ''Oh common guys'' Taya said. ''Well looks like its our turn lets go!'' Yugi said. 

(The camera cuts to the gang meeting after the graduation)

''So now we finally graduated which collages are you going to''? Tristan questioned. ''I plan to go in a week actually I just feel like getting a fresh start at a new place'' Taya said. ''Looks like we need to throw a party then!'' Yugi said excitedly.

(Camera cuts to the party)

''Ill miss you all'' Taya said in tears. ''We wish you the best of luck in collage!'' Yugi said crying

(The gang hugs)

(Camera cuts to Taya driving to collage)

(Taya slams the break a crashing noise occurring after)

(Camera black out for a few seconds)

(Camera cuts to the gang)

''ITS NOT FAIR'' Yugi said in tears. ''STUPID DRUNK DRIVA'' Joey screamed. ''WHY HER'' Tristan yelled. ''Worst of all how will we even afford her hospital bills'' Yugi crying.  ''Maybe Pegasus can open up a duelist kingdom 2?'' Tristan said ''Doubt it'' Joey said tearing up.

(3 days later)

''Looks like there's something in the mail'' Tristan said with bloodshot eyes from crying. ''Probably another letter congratulating Yug'' Joey said. 

Tristan: ''You wont believe this! Another duel monsters tournament is being hosted!''

Joey: ''No way!''

Tristan: ''and the winner gets 3 million dollars''

Joey: ''Amazing!''

Joey: (Thinking) ''Hey Tristan why don't you duel?'' ''It will increase our chances of winning!''

Tristan: ''Well I only watched duel monsters and plus I don't want to embarrass myself for getting out on my first duel!''

''Common Tristan ill give you a starting deck and from watching our duels you will do fine!'' Joey said happily.  ''Well maybe I should but how the heck will I get a dueling disk?'' Tristan said questioning.

''I'm sure Mokuba would have a extra duel disk after all Kaiba created it!'' Joey said knowing Mokuba would be kind enough. ''Aright its worth a shot'' Tristan said nervously.

(Cuts to the trio meeting with Mokuba)

''So Mokuba.. you have any extra duel disks I can use fore the tournament?'' Tristan said hoping. ''I think we do but give it back to us once you get eliminated'' Kaiba said laughing. '''Ill show you aright you punk'' Tristan said mumbling.

(Cuts to the trio entering the island)

''So this is duelist city?'' Joey said. ''This is way bigger then battle city'' Tristan said awing''  ''Hopefully we can win this'' Joey said hoping. ''I guess its in faith hands now'' Yugi said.

(Camera turns black)

???: ''So it has begun!'' (Laughs evilly)

And that's episode 1 of season 6 I'm happening with how this is starting off leave a comment down below who you think was the unknown person at the end episode 2 coming soon!

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