A Nugget For a Fry

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    This is the day, the day I finally tell Mr. Potato Head my feelings for him. I have it all planned out. I'm going to invite him to a picnic at Mcdonalds where we can have all the Big Macs and nuggets we could ever want, along with some nice Mcdonald's sprite. Ahhhhh~ I just love Mcdonald sprite, the way it leaves long lasting, pleasurable tingles on my tongue and on my throat as it goes down smoothly. Then for the dessert it will be a warm, sweet, cinnamon apple pie that just melts in your mouth right when it makes contact. I can just see him tasting it and watching the pie melt in his mouth while some drips down those big luscious red lips. Sadly that's all we have because the ice cream machine is Broke.
      Though I knew that wasn’t going to stop me from having the best picnic with the potato I'm in love with. “Oh it's almost time to go and pick Mr. Potato Head from his wife's house.” So I make sure everything is prepared before I pick up my thick lips love and get in my car.    
     As I'm driving to pick him up I keep going over the plan in my head “It's perfect there's no way anything can go wrong.”
 When I reach the house I'm so overwhelmed with excitement I almost couldn't breath. I walk up to the house, I reach the door, ring the doorbell and make the biggest and happiest smile I could muster with my ketchup colored lips. “Coming!” I hear his loud footsteps stomp his way to the front door then proceed to unlock and open the door. “ Oh why hello there Ronald im guessing you must be excited for our picnic.” He says with a hearty chuckle “ You’ve shown up 45 minutes early.” I look down at my watch and see that in fact I did show up 45 minutes early. “ Oh I guess I really was excited huh” I say as I look down at my feet with a dark blush clearly noticeable because of my pale white face.
 I quickly composed myself and look Mr.Potato head in his big mystical eyes. “ Well anyways, if you're ready now do you think you would like to head out?” He gives me one of his great big smiles that can make anyone around him brighten up “Yeah that would be nice, let's get out of here and eat.” I walk him to my car and open the passenger door for him to climb in. He gives me a small thank you as he grunts, sitting in his seat. I quickly go around the car and open the door on the driver's side while Mr.Potato Head fumbles with the radio. I like to let him choose what station he likes to listen to. I feel you can tell a lot about a person from what they listen to. Just like I knew he would, he changes the radio to a heavy metal channel then leans back like an old man enjoying a nice quiet day outside. I keep my eyes on the road, sometimes peaking at the potato next to me. I could never get tired of watching him like this.
      Not long after, we made it to McDonalds. I lead him to where I set up everything and pull his chair out for him. “Thanks Ronald, but you know you don't have to keep doing stuff like this.” He tells me in an embarrassed tone. “Oh Potato there's no need to be like that, I like doing stuff like this for you.” When that came out of my mouth he made a kind of nervous movement. Oh my, I think my plan might be working! “Here let me get our order, It's a big mac with a large fry and large sprite right?” I look at him with a big smile feeling very proud of myself. “Oh I actually it's a large Pepsi” I do a double take “wha- but you always get McDonald’s sprite. What happened?” He awkwardly rubs the back of his neck “oh um I just prefer Pepsi now.” I feel my spirits go away slowly, but I quickly recover and go back over the new order. “So it’s a Big Mac with a large fry and a large Pepsi.” His mustache moves up to show his beautiful white smile that I love. “Yep thanks Ronald '' I give him a quick nod, head to the counter and give them the order. 
After 5 mins we get our food and eat, but for some reason he doesn't look as happy. "What's wrong Mr. Potato head? You've barely touched your Big Mac." He looks up from his big Mac and puts a small smile on his face. "Oh nothing,I was just… . . thinking. " He looks back down at his meal, his smile fading into a blank face. I should probably tell him now, this is the best time, right? "Hey I've been meaning to tell you something for a long time." I hear a sigh come from in front of me. "I've loved you Mr. Potato Head, I always have. Since the day I met you, the first time I saw you, I knew you would be the one. " I go to grab one of his hands, but he pulls both away. "I knew this would happen- Look Ronald I don't see you like that. Besides… . I already have someone. " I slam my hands on the table in anger "You don't even like Mrs. Potato head! You told me that! " My anger comes out like a whiny 5 year old having a tantrum and as I sit down, slump over.  With my head on the table he puts his big, warm, gloved hand on my shoulder. “I'm in love with Kernel Sanders''. I'm struck with disbelief and hatred, my worst enemy Kernel Sanders has taken my love from me. As i'm stuck in thought the man himself walks through the door and right up to the      table.
“Well hey there Mr. Potato I wouldn’t have thought I’d see you here” He comes around to him and puts his arm around him in a romantic gesture. I lift my head to see Sanders flirting with Potato Head and that's when I lose it, I slam my hands on the table, get up and run out of the building, but not before grabbing a big tub of sprite from the back. As I'm running with the tub in my hands I can tell I'm getting weird stares from people, but I don't care. I ran as far as I could until I made it to a random alley, slamming my back against the wall. As I slide down onto the floor and open the tub of sprite, I start to slowly cry. Without even realizing, it was already sundown and I was drunk to the max. At that point I just let my drunk self lay down on the cold concrete of the alleyway. “Uh … hello….are you ok there?” I lift my head to where the voice is coming from only to see another one of my worst enemies, Burger king. “ ugh wha-...oh it’s you” I use all the strength I could to push my body off the floor “What do you want, you big piece of-” He crouched down to get level with me “whoa, who woulda thought The Ronald Mcdonald would be in the alleyway crying like a baby with a tub a sprite at his side”. His low chuckle, that could make any woman fall in love, made me shiver. I'm not scared of this chump, so why am I shivering? Am I cold? Ehh it's not that bad. “What do you want Burger king….?” I lower my head in shame, wiping my messed up makeup off my face. I never liked Burger King ever since I can remember. He made his restaurant a year after mine, but of course mine was and WILL always be better. “I just so happen to see you run out of McDonalds with a tub of sprite and into an alley”  he laughs at me “Oh wow, look at this mess of a man. The mess of a man with a broken heart.” Though I couldn’t understand what Burger King was saying, I did understand that the sprite was getting to me. As I try to not fall over I stand up, only for my vision to blur, and pass out right into Burger King's arms.
When I awake it takes me a while, but I realize I'm in someone's bed. Who's, I don’t know. I try to move but my wrists are tied to the bed with fluffy handcuffs. I try with all my might to get out of the cuffs but it's impossible with both of my hands tied. I guess with all the noise of struggle the person who lives here heard that I was awake. As I brace myself to see who walks through that door I put on a determined face to show my kidnapper that I wasn't afraid; even though I was literally scared shitless. As they open the door slowly, my heart starts pounding faster and I feel like I can’t breathe. Finally I see their whole body, their great brown beard, their shiny golden crown and their pearly white smile and I just want to vomit. My eyes widen in surprise and disgust as my anger boils. “What the hell, Burger King?! Why am I tied to your bed with fluffy handcuffs?” Burger King looks at my helpless state and smiles seductively. “Why a-are you smiling l-like that?” Burger King walks over to the bed and sits on the left side, while he lightly rubs his hand across his chest. “Ronald, you know I love the way you try to be better than me.”His hand runs closer to my crotch and rubs a little harder. “What do you mean try to be better than you? I am better than you!” I growl back at him trying hard to keep a straight face. “You can think that all you want Ronald, but you know your food is declining. The only people eating there are little kids who want happy meals”. I try to kick him in his face, but his reflexes are too quick for me. He grabs my ankle and leans into my face, inches away from my lips. “Geez, that hit a nerve didn’t it?” I can feel his warm breath against my lips, he’s so close I think I can taste them. “You be quiet, you- you!” but before I can say anything more Burger King smashes his lips against my red ones and shuts me up. I fight back, but his movements are too good and soon I'm stuck in his sloppy, passionate kiss. After a while I feel his tongue fight to enter into my mouth, but I'm not going to let him win. I'm not going to submit to this dirtbag, I'm going to win this fight! Just after I think that I feel his hand go between my legs and I let out a shocked gasp. Burger King takes this chance and puts his tongue in between my lips, into my wet cavern. As he does I squeeze my legs together and shake my hips as he rubs my bulge. “Well someone down there is excited” he chuckles into my lips then presses harder. Burger King stops the kiss for some air, as do I, taking in gasp of air. “You know, you look so sexy like this.” I turned my head away in shame, I can’t believe I kissed him and got hard! “You don’t have to be embarrassed” his hand he was using to rub me comes up to my face and caresses it “i’ll be back in a little bit, there's something I need to get.” He walks through the door and leaves me there, hard and tied to the bed.
I don’t know how long I was laying there, but it felt as if I was there for an hour. Though it was more like 10 minutes, my erection went down a while ago. As I lay there I hear the door open, there I see the man I made out with a little bit ago and with a bag of food. With all the things going on I had forgotten how hungry I was until now. Burger King sits down next to me and starts to pull out the food. “I know you're probably hungry, because it has been a while since you’ve eaten.” He pulls out a burger, fries and some nuggets, along with some sauces. Then he opens the drawer next to the bed and pulls out a small key. He takes the key and unlocks my right hand from the handcuff and hands me the burger, but I don't take it. “Here, eat up” he takes my hand and puts the warm burger in my hand. “Is….is this a Burger King burger?” I ask, shaking. Burger King moves my hand closer to my mouth, “So what if it is? You're hungry right? Just eat up.” I take a minute to think, am I really going to eat a competitor's food because I haven’t eaten in a while? My stomach growls, answering my question. I slowly open my mouth to take a bite. The burger was okay in my opinion, but I was hungry. As I take my 3rd bite I hear the click of a camera go off. I look up from my burger to see Burger King taking a picture of me eating. The realization hits me a minute later as I try to grab the phone from him, but he moves out of my reach. “Wow Ronald, what do you think people would think if they saw you eating my food?” He shows me the screen of his phone “Just look at you enjoying that burger.” My heart sinks into my stomach as I feel like throwing up. “I’ll just post this to twitter and see what happens” He opens twitter and goes to post the picture “DON’T” I yell, “please don’t…” I'm practically begging this guy not to post it with tears in my eyes. “Too much has already happened recently…I-I don’t think I can take too much more…” Burger King just stares at me, I look at him with pleading eyes. “Hmm fine” Burger King gets up from the bed and goes to the front of the bed “I know what you can do in return for me deleting the picture.” He does that same seductive smile as he looks down at me. “Whatever you're thinking I'm not doing!” I point my finger at him as I yell. “Well that's fine, but then everyones going to see the picture of you.” He waves the phone around in the air to taunt me. “FINE!” I yell at him in anger and defeat “i’ll do what you want… just don’t post it.” Burger King climbs onto the bed and on top of me. He pins my one hand that was free to the bed and puts his knee in between my legs. He starts to make out with me again while trying to take my shirt off, unbuttoning all of my buttons slowly, never stopping the kiss to breathe. Once he got all my buttons undone he ripped my shirt off and attacked my chest, like a dog in heat. “Hold on, I have an idea” Burger King reaches for the nuggets and fries and dumps them all over my chest. Then takes buffalo sauce and pours some onto both my exposed nipples. The sauce is cold over my body and it makes me shiver down to my toes.”What are you doing?” Burger King takes a fry and dips it into the sauce. A shiver runs down my spine as the fry rubs against my nipple, “ahh~” I try to hold back the soft moans releasing from my mouth. He does this with a couple more fries then grabs a nugget and rubs it on my sensitive nipple “here” he says to me as he tries to feed me the nugget “finish your meal” Burger King smiles down at me as I take a bite of the nugget. In two bites the piece of meat that was in his hand is gone. “There's so much I’ve wanted to do to you” He tells me this while rubbing my bottom lip with his thumb “so how about we get to the real deal?” Burger king slides my shoes and pants off, leaving me in my red boxers. I hide my face in my arm to conceal my bright red face “aww are you being shy Ronald?” peeking out to see Burger King I see him taking his shirt off. Wow this guy is ripped! He catches me staring “heh, You like what you see” I don’t think my face can get any redder at this point. Burger king gets up from the bed, slowly and seductively takes his pants off to show the great tent he’s made. It’s only now I realized that I too have a tent in my boxers. “Hm, I think this little guy needs some attention” Burger king says while snaking his hand up my calf, to my thigh, and right to my crotch. I arch my back from the touch. He’s barely touching me and it feels so good! Burger King leans into my right ear and whispers “You look like you can’t keep going like this” he rubs a little harder “I’ll make you cum if you beg for it~” I look him in the eyes “i'm not begging you.” Though he had a lot of control right now, I wasn’t given up without a fight. “Hm fine you can keep denying but,” he licks my ear “we’ll see how long you last until you lose your sanity.”
Burger King has been rubbing my member through my boxers for at least 45 minutes now. I’ve gotten so close to cumming but he always stops before I can finish! “Ngh- '' I get close again but of course he doesn’t let me release. “Wow, that was your 10th ruined orgasm. You're doing better than I thought you would.” I don’t think I can take it anymore… “please..” I cry out softly. “Oh? Were you saying something? '' Burger King asked in a satisfied voice. “Please…please make me cum..” I beg him. “I was wondering if you were ever going to ask. I mean I wasn't going to do it without your consent, you know.” I looked at him in anger, but that anger soon turned into desperation. “PLEASE Burger King…” Wrapping my legs around his waist. “I want you to make me cum!” I practically yell in his face. Burger King quickly grabs the key to the handcuffs and unlocks the one on my left hand. Grabbing both of my hands Burger King uses one of his hands to pin both of my wrist above my head. While he rubs both or members with his other hand. “Ah- Burger K-King Im- im getting close.” I tilt my head back in pleasure “ngh, cum with me Ronald '' I can’t hold back anymore! We both cum together all over Burger king's hand and onto my chest. As I release I relax into the bed and close my eyes, thankful that it was over. “What are you doing?” I open them to look at Burger King “were not done yet honey~” “w-what” but before I can say anymore I'm flipped over onto my stomach, ass in the air and head pushed into the bed sheets. I feel 2 fingers enter my ass and I yelp out in surprise. “Whoa! What do you think you're doing right now?” I turn my head to the side to look at Burger King. “well Im going to fuck the shit out of you of course” His fingers start to explore the inside of my ass as they please. Soon he finds my sweet spot “Ahh~ ngh- No.. not- not there” Once he finds the spot he starts to attack it like crazy. Im- im going to lose my mind if he keeps going like this. Then I feel his fingers leave my tight ass. “There I think you're ready for your treat for being so good~” I'm so out of it from him just fingering me that I didn’t hear him say that. The next thing I know he’s shoving his thick member into my small tight asshole. The moans escape my mouth like a pitcher of water being poured into a full glass of water. Burger King, in one thrust, shoves his whole dick in me. “Aah- B-Burger king I feel so f-full AHh~” I scream as he starts to move fast and in no time I'm a moaning mess. “Ugh, you're so tight Ronald” he keeps shoving himself in and out of my small hole. I'm engulfed in so much pleasure that I can't think straight. “F-Fuck my ass please, Burger King” Burger King obliges and goes even faster while he grabs my neck and lifts me closer to him so that my back touches his built chest. “Let’s cum together, Ronald” He whispers in my ear and makes me shiver “o-ok!” I somehow manage to get out between all the moaning and panting. Then in a few more thrust we cum together “Burger King i-im cum- ahh!~” His hold on my neck gets tighter “m-me too, Ronald!” exhausted I flop on the bed, Burger King lays next to me. We’re both hot and covered in sweat from the fun we had, but Burger King still grabs my waist and holds me close to him. “Heh, I know you enjoyed that~” he tells me in a soft but seductive voice. I'm definitely not telling him I liked that. “No! I absolutely didn’t like that!” I turn away from him but turn right back around “So you’re going to delete that photo right?” I give him a mean look “oh yeah” he reaches behind him to grab his phone and deletes the photo right in front of my face. I sigh a breath of relief, finally I don't have to worry about getting that out. After that I was so tired that I didn’t realize I fell asleep and woke up in Burger King bed the next day.
“Are you sure you don’t want to stay longer..” Burger King says in a fake pout. I look back in annoyance “yes, I do not want to stay here” He crosses his arms in defeat “fiiiiiine” I don’t want to see your face anymore asshole. I turn and walk away to my mcdonalds unknowing the future I had in store in for me. “Don't worry, you’ll be back sooner than you think~” Burger King whispers under his breath and walks back into his place. It took me 15 minutes to walk back to the McDonalds and I was exhausted. Not only did my feet hurt, My ass and lower back hurt even worse! That damn asshole went all out on me and didn’t care about the aftermath! But through the pain I help manage my work and rude customers for a couple of hours. “*sigh* finally this job is over…” I got in my car that I left after I took Mr. Potato Head here. I lower my head in sadness, Mr. Potato Head… no! I'm not going to think like this. I can still make him rethink his choices! So with a goal in mind I put the key in ignition and drove off to my house. When I get there I waste no time by getting undressed and jump into bed with the happy thought of Mr. Potato Head. All of a sudden I get a message and grab my phone out of my pants that now litter the floor. It’s from an unknown number? I unlock the phone and go to messages, Though I wish I hadn’t. My face contorts into a look of pure horror “t-that motherfucker..” There, on my phone, was me getting fucked by Burger King. Though you couldn’t recognize him because you couldn’t see his face. He took the picture of me through the reflection of the mirror while I was just there basking in the pleasure of what was happening. Then I receive a chilling text. “See you tomorrow night~”.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2022 ⏰

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