five past six

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A/N- more wilyss fluff shush


Alyss finished lighting the last candle, shaking the match to snuff out the flame.

She glanced behind her, 5 minutes past 6.

Will was late.

'He's always late' she thought with a smirk thinking about how he was even late to their own wedding.

She threw away the blackened match just as she heard hoof steps coming up the path to their cabin.

She rushed as lightly as possible out the door and leaned against the door frame to watch him dismount and put Tug in the stable. Alyss stared as he rubbed him down, obviously faster than usual since he realized Alyss wasn't coming to meet him, so the only obstacle standing between Will going to kiss his wife was his stupidly high maintenance horse.

He hurriedly rushed from the stable ignoring Tug's sarcastic "you missed a spot" retort. Alyss practically leapt from the porch and into his arms. Will, caught off guard from the momentum, spun her around a couple times before placing her feet on the ground to hug her tighter.

She looked up at him adoringly, and his lips suddenly met hers. An asteroid could've hit the planet at that moment, and Will wouldn't have noticed. Because he was completely, and utterly, entranced by the woman he married.

Eventually they separated, and walked inside hand in hand. Alyss made Will go wash up a little before dinner. Which is understandable.

Then they ate, and Will didn't even make ONE comment on the fact that the bread was over cooked, and the meat was dry. Because even his wife's bad cooking was considered a good quality in Will's eyes.

After cleaning up, they sat by the fire for the rest of the evening. Alyss practically in Will's lap, and Will's arms wrapped tight around her.

They talked softly, Alyss didn't ask too much about how the mission went, because judging by the look in her husbands eyes, she could make a fair assumption that it didn't go well. So she knew he wouldn't want to talk about it right now. So she distracted him, kissed him, told him exactly how much she loved him, and how nothing could ever change that. And all was right with the world. Because so long as they had each other, deep down they knew that everything would turn out alright

i think i've seen this film before (and i didn't like the ending)Where stories live. Discover now