Chapter Four, Swan Lake

Start from the beginning

"Hi girls. How're you getting on?" Charlie asked.
"We're good daddy." Imogen beamed at her father, feeling much more relaxed than she did earlier. "Are you okay? Daddy could I do a Wiccan course please? It's just about Mother Nature and such." She asked, concerned as he was acting rather strange.
"Good. I'm glad you're all having a good time but don't stay up too late tonight as you need your sleep for tomorrow, Sunshine." Charlie stated firmly, getting nods of agreement from the other girls. "I'll look into it and let you know, Princess." Charlie said gently, kissing her forehead. "I've booked an appointment with Carlisle for Wednesday afternoon, so you'll leave early at lunch time. I'll pick you up and let the school know Monday.

Also, I got you these as a present for doing so well but also because I know how much you miss Smudge, sweetheart. They're not replacements." Charlie hurriedly added as Imogen's eyes filled with tears as she looked at the photos of her precious Smudge stuck to the wall. He was a black and white Siamese crossed with a Maine Coon. Charlie had gotten him when she was young to help her and she had cared for him and raised him from a young girl since he was a kitten. But one morning, the year before, they had woken up and he'd lost feeling in both his back legs due to a blood clot despite there being no signs an hour or even a day previously.

Apparently, according to the vet, it just happens in elderly cats and they have no clue as to why. But Imogen had loved him with every fibre of her being and missed him greatly; his ashes were buried in the back garden beneath a plaque with his name, a quote (cats leave paw prints on your heart), a picture and date of birth and death on it. Every birthday, Christmas and anniversary Imogen would put flowers beside it, and every time she would go into the garden, go to bed and wake up she would tell him how much she loved and missed him.
"I know Daddy." Imogen whispered sadly, giving him a small smile as two small meows were heard from his arms behind his back.

"What will you name them?" Charlie asked, smiling when Imogen smiled and came over to stroke them despite the pain he knew was still gripping tightly to her heart. "The ginger Main Coon/Persian is the boy. And the black Bombay is the girl."
"I think I'll name them Patch and Shadow." Imogen stated, smiling at the two loud purrs she got as she stroked their heads.
"Patch sounds like a lawnmower." Leah laughed, coming over with the others to see the new kittens.
"He does, doesn't he." Charlie laughed.

"But Shadow has the louder meow, Patch reminds me of Simba when he's trying to roar." Ella laughed, stroking Shadow's head as Imogen took them both into her arms.
"Thank you Daddy." Imogen beamed at her father.
"You're welcome princess." Charlie said happily, kissing her forehead. "All their things are downstairs." He added, stroking the pair before he left the girls to it as they crowded around Imogen to stroke and play with the new kittens as they rolled over the sleeping bags strewn across the floor.


The next morning while Imogen was in the dressing room getting changed with the other girls; those who had booked tickets had started to arrive.
"Ahh, made it then." Charlie greeted his friends from the Rez who had also brought their children along and the Cullens.
"You know us chief, we wouldn't miss Immy's performance for the world." Billy told him, jokingly ramming into him causing the tribe to roll their eyes at the pair. While Ella introduced her parents, Suzanne and Ricardo, to Leah and her parents, Sue and Harry, and to the rest of her friends, including the Cullens.
"Neither would we." Jasper added, drawing attention to him and a glare from Charlie.
"You hurt my little girl and there will be serious consequences." Charlie said threateningly, sending Jasper a warning glare.

"I'd never hurt her." Jasper swore.
"See that you don't." Paul grumbled. Before more could be said, Miss Antoinette drew everyone's attention.
"If you'd all like to find your seats the show is about to start, also please no cameras as we are filming this production for you and will post your children the films. Just enjoy the show." She announced loudly so everyone could hear her, before opening the doors to the auditorium. Thankfully all of Imogen's loved ones were the first to get tickets so they could get seats together at the front, taking up the two rows on either side of the aisle. Once everyone was seated, their programs detailing the actors and characters sat in their laps, the lights dimmed and the soft music started to play, the curtains drawing back revealing Imogen standing in the middle of the stage dressed all in white with her head bowed.

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