Where it all began

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1695, Scotland

"Straighten your back!" Mother yelled smacking my back with a long stick as I straightened it, rolling my eyes.

All these rules, 'Chin up', 'Smile more', 'Study', 'Look perfect at all times'.

I was sick of it, I just wanted out of this god forsaken life, I wanted to explore.

"You're going to be crowned queen on your 18th birthday, so you only 7 have years to prepare for the event." Mother spoke harshly, smacking my hand with the stick when I went to grab a muffin from the basket that sat across the table.

"I know mother." I said with a sigh, placing my head in my hand.


The village was filled with tents of people selling foods, clothing anything you could imagine they had it.

Strolling through the village in a tight corset and itchy dress villagers greeted me and offered up items.

Declining their offers I made my way up to higher land in order to watch the docs where all the guards stood.

Just then a large ship came up to the docs, on the sails you could tell that it was a pirate symbol.

The guards began getting ready to fire but soon pirates in handcuffs came out from the ship and behind them were a bunch of soldiers.

Clearly their ship had been invaded by the soldiers and they'd been arrested.

The overlapping chatter amongst civilians began to grow as the pirates made their way through the village to the prison.


The birds chirped throughout the night sky, the moon providing a luminescence to the sea. 

As I watched the boat that still sat at the docs my mind raced with the endless possibilities of what was beyond this village.

What was out there in the sea, full of creatures, treasures, mysteries, all of which I wanted to explore but it seemed like I was chained to this boring life on land.

Just then I heard a loud bang come from the basement of the castle, I wasn't  far from it and there weren't many guards there right now.

The basement was where the pirates were being held because it was used as a prison when there wasn't enough space in the holding cells at the prison.

Curiosity getting the best of me I headed down the stone steps towards the noise, the loud banging only growing as I got closer and closer.

When I finally arrived in the basement I saw a bunch of different pirates in the cells, all of them turning to look at me.

Turning my attention to the cell where all the banging was coming from I saw a man with matted hair that sat atop his head in a bun.

He had a bandana around his hair and wore tons of rings on his fingers, along with large pants that had tears and dirt all over them.
His shirt a raggedy large white shirt that looked like it was at least a decade old.

The man had been banging on the cell with one of his boots that he had somehow removed from his foot.

"And who might you be lassy?" He asked tilting his head to the side and taking a step closer to the bars.

"I'm y/n, are you the one making all the noise?" I asked the man and he only smirked at me, for a reason which I did not understand.

"You're a bit young to be messin' around with pirates aren't ya?" The man said, pointing at me with his index finger.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2022 ⏰

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