Teddy Lupin Chapter 13

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  Chapter 13

  On Tuesday I was back at classes and I was attending the regular meals. Teddy, Melee, Darren, Will, Reed, Shay, and other Gryffindor’s greeted my return to breakfast. Many people were shooting answers at me. My head started to hurt again.

“Hey guys, give her some space. She probably just wants a nice quiet meal,” Shay explained gratefully. The swarm of people who were crowded around me thinned out and it only left Melee, Teddy, Reed, Darren, Will and Shay.

“Thanks,” I told Shay quietly, taking some sausage and putting it on my plate.

“Any time,” He replied.

Then I saw Levi get up from the Slytherin table and head over my way.

“Hi Shawn, Teddy Loser,” he said with his usual sneer.

“Go away Levi, no one wants you here,” Teddy said trying his best not to get angry.

“Oh Teddy, stop talking about yourself,” Levi said and he laughed. But no one else did.

“Why are you here anyway?” Shay asked.

“Oh, I wanted to talk to Shawn, alone,” he said emphasizing the last word.

“Fine,” I said. “Let’s go out into the main entrance.” I took one last sip of my orange juice and left the table with Levi.

“Are you still on for tutoring tonight?” He asked me once we got out of the dining room.

“Umm, yeah, and you can also show me how to do the homework I missed.”

“Ok, great, hey I’m glad you’re better,” he said with a smile, patted me on the shoulder, and re-entered the dining hall.

“Thanks,” I said, after he left, and I decided to go into the dining hall too. I walked down the Gryffindor table and to my seat.

“What did he want?” Teddy asked with a grumble.

“Oh, nothing,” I said and started to eat my eggs.

Teddy’s POV

At my free time, I decided to write to Harry again. We had been sending owls back and forth for the past month and a half.


Hello, it’s me again. Thanks for the chocolate frogs by the way. They were really good, (but they kept on leaping out of my hand.) My DADA teacher came back from being away. She had this huge scratch on the side of her face. I asked her how she got it but she only told me, “You’ll know when you’re older, he’ll tell you,” And I don’t know what she means by that. Well, write back soon.



 I folded up the letter, went to the Owlrey, and sent the message. As I was walking back from the Owlrey, as I turned the corner of the hallway, I noticed Shawn sitting down on a bench with Shay. I slowly retreated behind the corner and poked my head around so I could only see them.

They were talking, and I could only make out a few sentences. But I got the message.

Shawn: So Shay, when’s your next game?

Shay: This Thursday.

Shawn: Oh cool. So are you gonna score any goals?

Shay: I hope, and also, I was hoping if you wanted to be my girlfriend?

Shawn: Oh, sure! I’d love to. But I have to go; I promised Melee I would study with her.

Shay: Ok, I’ll see you later then.

Shawn: Yeah, I’ll see you later.

After that, Shawn got up and was walking my way. Oh crap, I thought, and I backed away and pretended to just happen to walk her way.

I was just about to turn the corner when she swung around and we knocked into each other.

Both of our books flew everywhere. We both scrambled to pick up papers. When we looked at each other, we both started to crack up.

“Sorry about that,” I said laughing.

“Hey, it’s ok,” she said picking up her book.

“Well, I’ll see ya later,” I said standing up.

“Yep,” she said, and left.

After that, I quickly went to the common room to study for my potions test, along with the rest of the grade.

Only, when I got there, Melee was watching Darren and Will play wizard chess.

“Hey, Shawn told me you were studying with her,” I told Melee.

“Uh no, she’s not studying with me,” she replied.

“Then what is she doing?” I asked no one in particular. I left the common room in search for her. I passed Shay and I asked him, “do you know where Shawn went?”

“Yea, she went to study with one of friends Melee,” he responded.

“Well, Melee is in the common room and she had no idea about studying with her.”

“Then she probably had to study somewhere else a little bit later,” He told me.

“Fine,” I said. What was I thinking? She is probably ok and just studying a little bit later. I went back to the common room and enjoyed the company of the other Gryffindor’s.


Hey all of my fans and ppl reading :) Thanx 4 ur support and sorry i havent uploaded in a while..... but i hope you like it :) ♥ plz fan vote comment i reeely appreciate it :)

LOve, Penelope♥

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