Chapter 5

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Me:Hey Rosita do you need some help with the kids later ?
R:actually yes but I could ask Norman
Me:well if you need help call me
And I give her my number
R: thanks
Me:no problem
Porsha is practicing Jimmy is free I think let's go to him
When I arrived at his office the tv was on ,Porsha was crying and Jimmy was really mad and he threw something at the tv and he breaks it
Would you be quiet ? You've embarrassed me enough
J:Now the whole world thinks that I got a talentless loser for a daughter !Take her home !!
She turned to my way
P:Mommy ?
J:Bring me Moon
He was very mad so I tried to calm him down
He was trying not to show that he was mad
J:Hey ,Love
Me:what happened?Why she was crying?
J:yeah she said that he fired her from the show
Me:no that can't be possible and you know that! Try to talk to Moon and don't kill him ,please,and try to give him another chance okay ,Love and maybe you will get a reward~~
J:ohhh~~I like that idea 😉😏
Me:if you did the good boy,come to our room early after the interview,okay? Bye ~~
J:okay see ya love~~
Then I went back home to see if Porsha if she was okay
Jimmy's Pov
Ohh~~I can't wait for tonight,but I need to do something about Moon
Me:bring me Moon
X:yes sir
And he went out

(He is Jerry) J:yes sir ?Me: do I have anything important to do ?J:yeah-yes actually you have an interview Me:yeah yeah Moon enter the room and said M:Hey ,Mr Crystal Clay is on his way here Me:everybody out Me: you fired Porsha M:no I never didMe...

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

(He is Jerry)
J:yes sir ?
Me: do I have anything important to do ?
J:yeah-yes actually you have an interview
Me:yeah yeah
Moon enter the room and said
M:Hey ,Mr Crystal Clay is on his way here
Me:everybody out
Me: you fired Porsha
M:no I never did
Me:you are saying that she is a lier ?
M:no no I think that she didn't understand
I bring Moon and went on the balcony and
Me: you ruined my reputation, and I don't let a little guy like you humiliate me
M:but Clay is on his way here and I put a big show
J:sorry sir but now we have the interview
I bring moon in my bathroom
M:you-you tried to kill me
Me:yeah,and I will finish it later
And I closed the door and went with Jerry to go to that interview or whatever it is
Moon Pov
Me:help help me anybody?
I tried to open the door but it was look on the other side ,then someone opened
S:shhh you have to run away from here and never come back
Me:okay thanks Suki I really appreciate it
Me:yeah yeah
I called Mrs Crawley
Me:we need to run tell the cast to pack everything
Mrs Cr: what ?
And my phone flew away and went on the road and it brakes and I started running toward the hotel to pack everything
10minutes later
I heard knocking on the door,I thought it were  the henchmen of Crystal so I hide in my suitcase
A:Moon we are here !
Me:Ash help me I'm stuck
A:what are you doing?
Me:the show is canceled and Crystal tried to kill me !
C:oh wow first time I came out of my hause after 15 years,and the show is canceled and this guy is hiding in the suitcase
Then a knock on the door
Me:don't open the door
Clay Pov
M:don't open the door
And I opened the door and saw a beautiful white and black wolf looking at her phone
Me:Hey?you are?
Her:oh my gosh !You are Clay Calloway!!!
And she started jumping around me like a kid
Me:uhh yes I am ,and you are ?
And she stopped jumping
Her:oh ,um yeah sorry I'm Y/n L/n
M:hey Mrs Crystal what brings you here ?
Y/n: again Buster?how many times I'v told you to call me Y/n or N/n ? And I'm here to ask you what happens with Porsha
M:oh I'm yeah but don't take it personally
Y/n: ofc
M:week she is not good at acting and I asked her if she could switch role with Rosita but she didn't want to listen to me and started yelling saying how her father will react at that and she wasn't wrong but she get it all wrong
Y/n:umm okay and what happened with Jimmy ?
M:well -
Me:well he said that this Mr Crystal tried to kill him
She changed expression from all smiling to angry sha was a bit scary
Y/n:HE DID WHAT ? OH NOW HE WILL LEARN SOME LESSONS,oh and thanks Buster for your help
M:n-n-no problem
Y/n:are you okay ?
She asked with worry
M:no no everything is fine I-you scared me
Y/n:oh I'm sorry Buster ,week K see you later Ash ?
Y/n: take care of those two please
A:sure thing 😉
Y/n:thanks sweetie 😉
And she went out of the room
Me:what just happened?
M/A:well she is the wife of Crystal and I think she didn't get it pretty well
Me:yeah I can see that
Another know on the door
Me:I'll take it ,again
I opens the door and saw a lot of animals in front of me and also the lizard from the other day
Me:I know you
All of them:Clay Calloway
J said pointing to the lizard and she fainted
20minutes later
I was watching out of the window
And everyone was trying to wake up the lizard
After she woke up another Knock on the door and someone screaming
X:Moon we know that you are in there come out or you are dead
M:uhhh we need to do something
J:are you serious?you want us to fight them ?
M:oh no they will destroy us we need to just of the wind
Me:I'm starting to like this guy
The other:what ?
We just jump of and we enter in the pool ,I was scared more like because it was like a slide 🛝
And then we went out and started running toward another place
When we enter we saw a lot of little animal cleaning the place
M:someone of you know tip tap?
One of them:yes
Oh god
He promised that he will not try to kill him oh oh now he will se
J:I'm sorry okay? I-I he fired Porsha !
Me:No he didn't!
J:wait really ?
Me:yeah ,he was trying to talk to her but she didn't have him the chance
J:oh my god
Me:yeah now I would like you to talk to Porsha and asked sorry to Moon
* but we all know that he will not ask sorry to Moon but okay 👍🏻 *

And we will se again in the next chapter bye 👋😉

Mr.Crystalxreaderजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें