Author Introduction

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Hello!! If you're reading this, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm called Cheshire and yes my content is a kid's comic. This has been stuck on my mind for weeks now so I decided to give writing it a shot. I am not very experienced as this is my first ever fanfic so please go easy on me. There are some things I would like to clarify first before I begin.

- I have recently started playing genshin so haven't gone deep into the lore but I will do my best to research on the story and environment of each region.
-I also don't have many candy jem books since it's not selling in my country but again research.
-Since I am new, I would appreciate if you could point out any spelling mistakes or such politely.
-I cannot say I am able to update often since I also have school but for now I don't really ever plan on discontinuing this so it would also be appreciated if you could be patient with my updates 
-This was roughly made in my head so the plot and some stuff might be a little messy but I'll try to fix it.
-Yes, I'm cuckoo

Alright that should be all for the intro, thanks for reading and have a nice day/night.


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