Chapter 1

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Lost in my phone, I barely even registered that mom was in my bedroom until she knocked on the doorframe. Nearly shitting myself, I jump subconsciously, and my head jerks up, focusing my attention on the woman. "Yeah?" I ask, trying not to sound like I just had the daylights scared out of me.

"Dinner's ready." She said, her tone soft, a sly smirk plastered on her face. She knew what she did. Evil woman...

She heads back downstairs and I turn my phone off, sliding it in my front pocket as I slither off my bed.

I stand up straight and start heading downstairs, not bothering to pause what I was watching on my TV. It was for background noise while I sat on my phone anyways.

Of course, dad cooked dinner. He wasn't the best cook, but he had some days that were better than others. Mac n Cheese tonight!? Awesome. I sit down at the table and dad greets me.

"How was your book club tonight, honey?" Mom asks with a mouth full of salad. Of course, she was generally polite, so she covered her mouth as she spoke. His eyes lit up. Oh no, we were in for a long night.

He started rambling about some book they were reading, and a bunch of different theories. Of course, any time she asked about his book club, he would ramble on for almost all of dinner, and then some.

...It was concerning how passionate this man was about reading.

I tune out his rambling and turn to look out the glass back door, thinking back to the dog barking.

It was a little odd because he did bark for a while. Normally he only barks at squirrels or rabbits, which were, of course, very common to see as the whole neighborhood was seated smack-dab in the middle of a forest. Trees for dozens-- no, hundreds of miles around.

I lived in the pretentious type of neighborhood that was owned by a super rich guy who paid the city every year to not tear it down and build more city. Of course, this was just the city's way of raking in more money than they need so they can build a new football stadium every year. The team sucks anyways, I don't know why they bother.

No one had ever seen the guy and a lot believe he doesn't exist. The wines moms of the neighborhood think that they single-handedly 'save the neighborhood' because of their dumb yearly protests about the trees. They throw tantrums as you'd expect if anyone were to say otherwise, so the rest of the neighborhood just lets them be.

Suddenly I see movement out of the corner of my vision. My eyes dart in that direction and I see a dark figure moving against the treeline. What the hell is that? I ask myself. Squinting my eyes, trying to see more clearly in the darkness, I can't seem to make out what it is.

"Jay...? Jay. Jay!" I jump in my seat, my attention suddenly being brought to my parents. "Hm?"

"What're you looking at?" Mom asks. "There's...a person outside, by the trees," I tell her. Her and dad's eyes widen and their attention snaps towards the glass door. "No one's supposed to go near there!" Dad exclaimed.

"Not since those college kids disappeared 3 years ago!" Mom added. Dad's worried expression slightly faltered and he looked at her.

"Yeah, what did happen to them?" Mom shrugged. "I dunno, I think they posted their videos online though," "Oh yeah."

Well, that was weird, it was almost like their worry was completely gone. Normally, dad was a paranoid, cautious parent. Fire plans all over the house, safety weapons in the closet, hell he never left the house without triple-checking the oven was off, there were no lit candles, and all the doors and windows were locked.

"Who do you think that was?" I ask mom. "Well they can't be from around here, otherwise they'd know to never go near that place." She replied. "Heh, probably a burglar lookin' for a good place to rob." I chuckle. Dad's panicked eyes told me he didn't get the joke. "Joking, I'm joking dad." I put my hands up defensively.

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